Sunday, November 27, 2011
what we could have been, 2:09 AM.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
It does hurt, but who cares ? haaa! its like seriously. It happens everytime, every-single-time, im freaking used to it :D Maybe its just my fate. however, being a beast is not really a bad thing ! you are able to experience a real life, able to learn why-cant-i-get-this feeling and it wont affect you that much as you used to it. and again, this is life. people always said, Dont Give Up Easily. and the opponent will said, It's Easier To Say Than Done. right? and you need both of it. some things you cant give up. but some, you simply need to let it go, give it up. Cause you know that you're losing hope. looking myself in the mirror, *sigh*, and said ziana...ziana.... :)
what we could have been, 2:21 AM.
Ziana, saengil chuka hei !
its not even my birthday but i feel like saying it to myself. ha
anyway, tahun baru Islam semakin hampir.
Maka itu, aku ingin berdoa supaya aku dapat markah yang cemerlang untuk GCE O. Markah yang boleh membanggakan kedua orang tuaku dan markah yang boleh dibanggakan oleh mereka. Ya Allah, mudah-mudahan aku dapatlah markah yang sempurna. selain itu, ya Allah, bukalah pintu hatiku ini supaya aku dapat mendekati diriku kepadaMu dengan lebih ikhlas. Jadikanlah aku seorang yang beriman, anak yang solehah dan juga seseorang hamba yang baik. Ampunilah dosa dosa kedua orang tuaku, abangku, aku dan juga umat umat Islam yang lain. terimalah keampunan kami. Terimalah kami di pintu SyurgaMu, Ya Allah. amin yarabilalamin.
what we could have been, 1:55 AM.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
what we could have been, 1:09 AM.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
why the hell i got guy face?! but,Thanks Allah for such a complete face, with nose, eyes, mouth, ears. thank you :)
well, tomorrow is hari raya Haji. Since nenek lived with us, we need to do all the cooking because relatives will be coming aik~! cut the onions, cut cut cut everything. stir sambal goreng stir stir stir everything. wash the dishes, wash wash wash everything and DONE. Online for while~ around 7, after prayed maghrib, start to mop the floor, mop mop mop everywhere. (no wonder my hand super duper damn dry today) and now, back to online~!
what we could have been, 6:28 AM.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
look there, look here. wait there, wait here. play there, play here.
When it took the chocolate from my hand, unexpectedly.
when he said, "abeh satu je?"
when he was right infront of me with his friend but never even glance at me
seriously, it was really enough for me to be happy :D
for a guy as handsome as that, even if he never look at me but near me, its like...
im standing next to a superstar. haaa!
whatta shit?! Zia, forget about it.
like seriously Zia, he's malay! wake up la ! you dont go for malay right?! what is wrong with you?!
plus, if you like someone typical, its should be okay la.. but this is like.... someone with a higher, i mean, waaaay higher rank than you. his hotness, his cuteness and his kekek-ness. haa! dear ziana, go on diet first then you can start about liking a guy. as for now, with your size, better stop thinking about it eh?! bleh :P
eeeh! why I sound like i have no confidence?! whatta shit?! its okay, once in while, nothing wrong. damn, i feel like i am a crazy person here. talking by myself, post something at blog without anyone reading it. ha, gosh.. i love this blog.
what we could have been, 10:07 PM.

i know Im not as pretty as other girls, but who cares?! i love myself. girls, you seriously need to have self-confidence. not over confident though. do whatever you like, do everything that will make your day go wheee~!
well, I always heard about girls being hurt by guys and the other way round. but chill! think of the bright side. You've got to experienced all that. haha :)
When Im 17, my thinking about this world have changed. I used to think that everyone here were nice. But i guess some of the dramas seems to be true. people being hurt mentally or physically. people were betrayed. wow, thats sucks. but thats the reality.
i still got a loooong way to meet my mid age. or, i wont even get there and Allah take me back? well, its only Him who knows it.
what we could have been, 1:26 AM.
HEYLO~! blogger.
yes ah~! finished my O level soon. very very soon. simply wait for the result then :D
woah?! abang~! dah nak pergi NS ke ?! haha.. all the best to you.
what we could have been, 1:21 AM.