Tuesday, January 11, 2011

what we could have been, 12:53 AM.
haish! why must I like him?? Of all people him... haha... but im grateful, he dont mind to continue the friendship although he knows my real feeling. thank you :) I hope you will be the Top student for O level. jia yo!
ohyeah! great! my brother's girlfriend get 10 point for her O level. WTF?! i love her brain. haa!
what we could have been, 12:49 AM.
Wish me luck for my O level this year :)
I hope i made it to poly with a course that I want...
ARGH! why can't I forget you? why must you seat alternate desk with me?! why why why?!
what we could have been, 12:48 AM.
what we could have been, 12:46 AM.