Friday, December 17, 2010
Alhamdulillah :)
Insya-Allah, saya akan belajar lebih gigih di tahun hadapan and berjaya dengan cemerlang.
Peace upon you :)
woohooo May God Bless Us
I've passed my N level with a 16 point. maybe some of you may not be happy with that kind of point. But not for me :) I was bloody scared just now, seating at the hall is like waiting for a bad news. most of my classmates get their result. some made it while some dont. my heartbeat increased, my hand shivers, my leg although it was covered with socks and shoe but i still can feel the coldness. i was too scared and I even cried before getting the result. Sitting infront of my form teacher is like getting a full blast kick at my stomach and a double punch at my face. i cried again... waiting nervously what colour of slip will i received. is it green which is promoted? or pink which is retained.. and what i get was... GREEN! i will be promoted to sec five. thank god :) i receive that slip and jump towards my cousin, syakirah, and hug her. im released...
Next year 2011, I will try my very best to pass all the tests, exams, prelim and achieved my goal for O level. since bedok town secondary is merging with chai chee secondary, i will try to make myself comfortable with new environment :) I hope there is no fight between us, because soon we will be a one big family... in One building, one school's name with one motive which is gaining knowledge. we come to school for an Education not to fight and find fault :D hope there is a teamwork between us :)
what we could have been, 5:19 AM.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
i dont know why.whenever i think of it. i will start cursing them.. sorry but i had to sayI HATE IT. I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!
this is my first time saying that. i will never hate something that easily
what we could have been, 3:41 AM.
Monday, December 13, 2010
night cycling members :D
what we could have been, 9:48 PM.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
what we could have been, 5:23 AM.
alhamdullilah, Night Cycling went smoothly.
oh great, it was my explendid experience because I just learn to ride a bicycle. First of all, i want to said sorry to everyone because I always break. SORRY! ohyeah, It was bloody tiring and I find myself very exhausted. imagine I cycle 32 km everyday, I bet i gonna slim down. haha. oheah, half way through of the journey I almost hit someone and fell. Almost eh... damn, im still not good at my turning. I wonder whose the unlucky person that i almost hit. I simply cant see him because it was dark and worst of all I never wear my spec. And usually I'm half blind at night. haha.. ohyeeaaah! before the night cycling event, i try out my dad's bike which and while riding it i fell down. at where? at traffic light nearby the roadside. it is so awesome! haaa, and the main point to hightlight, i fell down twice and i hurt my same hand.. my bloody SAME hand twice. great! bombastik. ohyeaaah! pardon my Singlish hor.. till here. saranghae :D muah!
what we could have been, 4:01 AM.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

hmm Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Mary stayed out all night was an awesome drama.
ah gosh, seriously no school for a long period is very bored. i really mean it. :S
and Im out of idea what to post. Should i do some short "novel" here? let me think about it.
what we could have been, 9:51 PM.
Saturday, December 4, 2010

ah, Im dead..
what we could have been, 5:00 AM.