Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ah his my HERO!
what we could have been, 11:37 PM.
Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm sick :(
need plenty of rest before Hari Raya Haji this Wednesday!
or else i look like Zombie..
what we could have been, 4:57 AM.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
his name is Dijith
well, is he 100% singaporean or mix or what? just keep thinking :D
for me to know, for you to find out :)
he's awesome! talking to him is so much fun. Although he's older but guys mind are 10 years younger than their real age. hahaha!
hmm, what should i post about him?
haha, nevermind...
what we could have been, 5:41 AM.

oops, my blog dead again?
well, must feed it with more words! huahua!
oh yeah, apart from blog. my facebook is dead too. goodness!
well, im active on tagged now. :D see you there!
what we could have been, 5:36 AM.
hello everyone! i feel like updating my blog, so here i am. oh yeah, i feel cool because my computer back to normal. BUT i feel crap too because all MY stuff GONE. my brother's head and my brother friend's head are equal. he repaired the computer and only save my brother's stuff, then mine?! haiyayay
i dont really mind actually, as long as i can play this computer of mine. huahuahua
i will not be in singapore from 21 nov-27 nov, following my cousin to Malaysia. wow, it going to be my first time following them. i hope everything went smoothly. i really wish that my uncle and aunt wont be in their bad mood state. I'm really scared of that.
hmm~ today i received form from my dad. what form?? to work! why last minute daddy?! im going malaysia! but i wish that i can start working in December. talking about december. I'm really scared of my N level result. i really want to go to sec 5. at least 18 point, at least 19 point. but please not more than 19.. pray for me guys. please pray together with me :D
ByeByeAll! TakeCareAll !LoveYouAll! MissYouAll!
what we could have been, 12:22 AM.