aaawwww! so cute.
what we could have been, 10:52 PM.

at first, i thought it was an easy job to forget you, to stop thinking of you.
but recently, my heart can burst anytime; i really miss you. I look at the phone, waiting for you smses eventhough i know you wont. i listen to those music that you have introduced to me. i started missing you more and more. . :'( I've tried my best to forget you by trying to think of any other guy; that are stranger to me... but its hopeless. its really useless.
what we could have been, 12:08 AM.
due to hot-oil. i was frying egg for my family members. well, it's hurt. but i guess my feeling here hurts more. haa! i was joking, mamamia.. i dont even have heartache~ lawl!i cant lie to myself that i never miss smsing with the person there. of course i do! the jokes, the crapness, the lameness and advicing. i really miss those days but im just a human that cant change anything. It's fate and i deal with it peacefully.anyway, syakirah! my dearest cousin muacks! and to those who are sitting for Os BEST OF LUCK! wish you all the best and never do your paper half way through and give up. never ever give up easily. wish me all the best too :D i really really want to be promoted to sec 5. please please please. may GOD bless us.
what we could have been, 2:52 AM.

ni anak ^^ haha.. i love her to the max.
14 october.... my sickening day.
well, just forget about it. maybe by doing that will be easier for me to forget about it. haaaa.!
goodbyeeee~ going to miss smsing with you
what we could have been, 12:55 AM.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
stories, me, gayatri and esther (repost)
in the concert hall.. after the intermission.. gayatri change place with cherie coz she want to sit beside me.. bestfren mah..
then.. in the dark this was what happen.. with esther
gayatri:" eh ziana, look at the guy there, handsome right??"ziana :" hmmm ya.. ok la.. cant even see how i know"esther :" ya lorh"gayatri:" haiz.. but so handsome"when the light was on for intermission again.. HAHAHAHAHA! !gayatri point to me the guy when the guy look at the other side.. when the boy look at us
ziana:" GAYATRI!! ARE YOU SURE! HE'S HANDSOME?? HE'S SO NOT HANDSOME FOR ME! my taste better than you.. my 'mr july' more handsome!!"gayatri:" OMG!! i thought he's handsome! from the side look damn handsome"esther laugh like hell!!!then the guy change place he sit infront of us.. the concert start as per normal..we keep laughing non-stop and he keep look at us..
gayatri:" ziana, i think he look at you.. he like you i think"esther :" ya lorh ya lorh.. or you want this guy"she point to a guy who sit infront of me.. worst he looks like bapok...
ziana:" like shit la you all!! gayatri is the one who say he's handsome not me what!!"both:"but he keep looking at you"and we start laughing..the end of the concert.. as per normal bedok town like hooligan.. shout hell! in my mind i say.. ok la.. as long as the guy is not bapok..when we get up.. he also get up.. and
OMG HE'S VOICE WAS A GAY!! SERIOUSLY!!the way he walk also GAY! and he keep smiling!! rabak!!
what we could have been, 9:34 PM.
AF, is an arrogant guy that being hated with everyone except one person, AB. she loves him and only see the bright sight of him. One day, AB confess her feelings to him. However, he gives her a sarcastic smile and said, "everyone said you're cute but i guess they blind.just go away from me now. i dont want to see you infront of me." AB was hurt with what she had heard. she almost cry, almost. AF stand there and watch her walking away from him. The next few days, AF realized that AB have been ignoring him, not even a glace. he starting to regret for what he have said cause he, himself, loves her truthfully but his ego stops him. one fine day, AB was on the way home at the bus stop, alone. "ehem ehem" AF sitting beside her. AB look at him for a second and stand up to get away from him. By any chance, AF pull AB's hand. her bag drop on the floor and she falls on AF laps. AB want to get up but AF stops her. "let me go! you've said im ugly and dont want me to be infront of you. so let me go!!" AB shout. Ignoring her words, AF hug her back tighter and said, "please... let me hug you. im sorry. the fact is, i never said you ugly before. everyone said you're cute, but to me you are beautiful lady. i dont want you to be infront of me because i want you to be everywhere around me and here... in my heart. i really loves you dear. i hate you. i hate you because my heart are filled with nice scent flowers that are planted by you. i love you" confess AF. AB was shocked with what she heard. she just let him hug her. after a few minutes, begum stand up from AF's lap. she cried, tears of joy.."sssshhhh~ dont cry. or else, i do something to you." but AB simply cant stop crying. unexpectedly, AF pull her towards him and kiss her lips. both of them in silent. AF pull AB closer to him and hug her waist while AB hug around his neck. then, AF look into her eyes and said, "dont ever leave me dear"
what we could have been, 3:24 AM.
about : IN love SN
One typical day in the classroom, GT(girl) and SN(boy) were sitting next to each other and giggling. IN(girl) saw their expression and feel so gloomy for the whole day and she didnt talk nor joke around with anyone. the next day, morning assemly, SN sit behind IN. he kept asking her for maths formula but she didnt reply. on the way up to the classroom, SN pulled IN hands but she pull away and didnt even look back. after awhile, GT came and started talking with SN. IN felt like screaming but she just kept quiet. after class, SN was so impatient that he pulled IN all the way to the corer. SN's hand cupped IN's face and said "
i'm sorry, but i love it when you're jealous for me being with GT. it proves that you really loves me." then SN kissed IN's cheek and they hug each other..
what we could have been, 3:15 AM.