i hate pimples. GAH..
baby baby baby oooh.
never hold your phone when you sleeping, or you will end up like me ^above pic^
accidentally press there press here.. taddaaaah. candid to yourself.
what we could have been, 5:00 AM.

This saturday someone from Malacca that i dont know will be sleeping at my house.
its not all of us dont know them but only my dad and grandma does.
wonder what will they look like. and they sleeping overnight here on saturday cause my cousin going to get married on sunday! woww.. father's day huh? anyway, wish them happy forever and after. haaaa..
what we could have been, 4:56 AM.
anyway, i havent started my homework.. what wrong with me?!
i thought i said i want to improve myself.. and this is what i had done?
from tomorrow onwards i will try to do all the revision eeeh..
gosh, better start now. or i will regret later. right? so yeeaaah! ziana hwaiting..
what we could have been, 4:52 AM.