i miss this cutie friend of mine
what we could have been, 4:23 AM.
the most experienced scientist.
anyway, cut all that nonsense. its too cool already. oh yeah, i just won something that have no present but experince. i kissed nazz! YAY! haha.. actually, not me alone. but with khaniza.. serve you right Nazzeera :P wanna know why i damn happy? cause of all 6 of us (niza, nazz, saki, zahi and pika), nazz the one that really hates the word "kissing" *you know what i mean* and yeah we did it.
then the dont know what day, i get to kiss sakinah.. haha her turn :P but her cheek really sponge. actually, the kiss was the accidentally kiss. i was acting to kiss her, my plan was just to make her panic. so she was like move so harshly and BOOM! her stupid cheek reach my lips. ahah!
then zahira's turn, for saying the bad word "musibah hey" *our language* so i chase her till outside class. hold her damn tight. and khaniza kissed her! so yeah.
afiqah and khaniza are the coolest. cause i always kiss them. not like those 3 clown. haha
yeah, we may sound lesbian. but we arent. its called friendship. and all of us have interest in boys.. DUH! hahahaahahahahaa.....
what we could have been, 4:03 AM.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
at 10:12 pm..
i was chatting with this 3 kanasai friend.. peter, kaihue, ashley..
never knew that Ashley was quite violent with his words. lol! awesome.
he's my "lover" LOL!
this awesomeeeeee..
and suddenly talk about 3 in 1? haha i dont understand that part.
what we could have been, 6:12 AM.
hey, freako..
SEE LA! why you post that! now that aunty go and follow you.
we going to die sia.. HOW!????
you want to head bang also no use.. SEE LAA YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
eh go and do head banging till your head bleed and show me the photo..
hahahaaaaaaaaaafrom now on, lets just keep our mouth shut ya freako..
i promise. you better promise too FI!
what we could have been, 5:45 AM.
recently i had a nice chatting with this moron "bestfriend" of mine named Peter.. he's full of lamenest.. talk about my crushes since sec 1 till now and talk about his too. it was really awesome to know some of his secret. haha... and then, added another weirdo kind of friend.. Kai Hui.. and another funny kind of friend named justina.. we kept talking during geography time. it was damn HOTTY topic. i love it. mini cooper? HAHA okaaay lame..lets talk about sec 1 guy.. a guy that i met in the bus.. he have a ugly face.. a DAMN FCUKING UGLY FACE and A VERY DAMN FCUKING ATTITUDE. i really hate that kind of person.. this was what happen..
He keep disturbing his friend for being a cry baby. so he scold all the nonsense something like this "
you no dick la, you go and cut" blablabla. i dont wish to continue the dirty words of his.. i wonder what his parents been teaching him? or his parents behave the same way as what i saw.. damn it. who can tolerate that kind of person? NONE! his parents? maybe. his friends? maybe the stupids one.
I just kept quiet and listen whatever he said. but i cant take it with his fcuking face and his freaking annoying immature voice. and i just said "hey, are you a muslim?" he nod. "if you are, can you keep quiet and dont say anyhow?"
i said in malay, dont really know how to translate. sorry. and yeah, he still with his fcuking attitude but with a lower volume..GOSH! damn it, a sec 1 boy behaving like that. and have a same religious as me? isnt that embrassing. no wonder, nowadays many people hate muslim. about riots, war blablabla.. but i know in this world everyone have their own religion and we must respect one another. and i'm as a muslim. im proud to be one but disappointed with minority. the because of the minority, people hate us :( just hope they could see the postive side of us.
what we could have been, 4:43 AM.

what we could have been, 1:22 AM.
LIFE are so CUTE !! haha...
GOSH! i dont know what to post.. argh! this is freaking me out.
oh lets talk about TP..
haha.. of all things.
oh yeah. went to TP last thursday with my classmates and 4A2..
it was damn damn damn boring.. :(
but things changed when syakirah and I went there on Saturday.
i accompanied her there.. we was very hyper. hmmm i mean she. haha
i was like.. "must i be hyper?" LOL! and
syakirah said that "i just realize when you wear tudung you were not hyper but when you wearing your school Uni you damn hyper."
hmmmmmm~ haha..
so yeah. we kept strolling around the TP. Syakirah kept showing handsome/cute guy around us. and sadfully, i cant really see clearly cause im not wearing my spec. :(
and she was like "aargh! you should see them. they so cute/handsome."
i kept laughing seeing her eager-ness.. haha,
so yeah, we went to the toilet. i take out my spec from them bag. and i saw "everything".. HAHA
we met this tour guy. his name is Alvin.
how we meet? thanks to syakirah. she asked for a balloon from this 1 guy and alvin was beside that guy. so, alvin kept talking to her about TP i guess..
and so ya, he became our tour guide. haha! he's from chai chee and we talk about chai chee merging with bedok town for a few minutes..
and this 1 hyper girl. her name is hidayah.. DAMN DAMN DAMN hyper.. hahaha.. serious.
found her facebook and added her in MSN.. heheheheeeee~ yeah :)
YEAH! I DID IT! at last i get to post SOMETHING.. better than nothing. haha.. bye all take care.. loveya
what we could have been, 12:13 AM.