Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hotdog and Nugget went to get Maggi that look really scared. Maggi still... standing like a statue there. her mind was blank, totally blank. She dont know, why the hell was her life being like this? did she make a wrong mistake by liking him? maybe, but she cant help it. the feelings come by itself. no one can neither stop nor start it.
Noodle look at Maggi. With frustration-expression but disappointed in the heart. Why cant Maggi just gave him a chance. just one more chance, not more he would be the happiest guy but sadfully, Maggi dont want to. Maggi was going to open her mouth and say that she will give Noodle 1 more chance to show how much she loves her. but when she just open her mouth.....
"ok, if that what you want Maggi, I will take you as my bestfriend then." said Noodle, " but remember, 1 day dont ever say you regret."
Maggi felt like there was a big stone hitting her in the heart, she stare at Noodle. She dont know how she felt now, happy? sad? nothing? she just dont know what to say.
Noodle went away from there.
"mag, are you ok?" asked fishcake and fishball..
maggi nodded...
" are you happy?" asked nugget.
"haha, of course im ok with it. i take him as a bestfriend only. get it? not more" lied Maggi
"hope you not lying. ok lets go home." Hotdog hold Maggi's shoulder as if she can give her strength by that.
so the 5 of them went back to the block together. reached there Noodle was on the way to go home. he looks again at Maggi. his heart really ache, its really hurt. Maggi never even once glance at him. he was waiting for her eye to at least look at him even a second. but it was wasting time. he went off from there.
when he turn his back, Maggi turn her head. She look at Noodle with sad-expression. she wont tell anyone that she still like Noodle. that was a promise. She will only tell if its really needed.
BOTH of them, felt sad. BOTH of their heart hurt but dont want to tell anyone about it. BOTH of the feel like crying but they care more about their ego. and so it be.
what we could have been, 6:07 AM.
Monday, September 14, 2009
"happy? no one can see us now." thats what Noodle said.
Maggi look around her, no one was there. she have no reason to run away from the guy she love that have become crazy now. she's sweating although the weather was not hot but breeze-ing.
" come on Odle. please. you are making crazy! just let me go from here. lets just be friend. bestfriend. its better to have friendship than relationship. I dont want if our relationship not long we will be enemy. but if friendship, even after fighting or what so ever. we will still be friend!"
mag said while looking at odle face, and continue saying
"moreover, i dont like you anymore." this time looking at some where else..
" dont like me? then, look direct in my eye. and say you dont like me, 3 time."
Maggi motionless. She plan to run away from there. Noodle turn his body around. and Maggi try to run away from there as fast as possible. but dont know how come Odle so wise today, he saw Mag's movement. mag just run about 4 step, Odle grab Mag's shoulder, pull her towards the wall, roughly and nearer his face to Maggi's face. Maggi close her eyes. she was to scared, in her life, living for 19 years in the world. this was the first time a guy was that close with her, other than her father.
They can hear each other breath. it was too near, too near that they can feel their own breath mixing together in the air. Mag's eye was still close, Noodle was smiling. He dont know why. but he just feel like kissing Maggi's lips. he come nearer to Maggi. Now they can feel each other temperature, even they are not hugging, even their body doesnt touch each other but it was warm enough to make the cold weather comfortable.
Maggi collect all her strength to open her eye...
"pleaseee Noodle.. dont be like this." facing the other side so that noodle can only see her cheek.
"I wont move a single inchi, if you dont look at me and say that you dont like me 3 times."
Maggi feel like going to her closefriend, nugget and hotdog and hug them. tell how stress and scared she is in this condition. but she cant. Noodle was too close with her. if she just make 1 cm. move, just one cm... something like kissing will happen. and she dont want that to happen.
Again, for the second time, she cry because of scared.. scared of her own bestfriend did something bad to her. her bestfriend, Noodle. that always make her happy when she was crying. that cheer her up, that comfort her well enough.
But now, she cry because of him. she feel like as if she was the cry baby. but she cant take it! her tears is the same as her fear.
Noodle saw a drop of water come out from her eye.. her beautiful eye. the eyes that make him want to look at it everyday. the eye that make him hyper. the eye that make him feel like missing someone everyday.
He let go off maggi. "sorry" the only word he can say...
maggi open her eye.. " come on noodle.. i dont think you love me. i know you love macaroni very much. the girl you wait for 1 month. but was rejected 5 days ago. i know you sad about it. you stress about it but you can share with me, your problem. i will be by your side, as a friend. bestfriend.."
Noodle cant take it. he scream as loud as possible. Maggi was shocked. half of their member came-fishball, fishcake, hotdog, nugget...
"whats happening??" asked 4 of them in one shot..
what we could have been, 5:51 AM.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
continue-ing from the previous post.....
Mag stare down the floor, tears roll down... one drop after another.
Noodle still doesnt realize it. He still grabbing Mag's hand.
"please let go of my hand.... its painful....."
Noodle quickly let go of her hand. He just realized his roughness and disappointed with himself. 2 of Mag and Odle members fishball and fishcake ran towards them..
"GUYS! WHATS HAPPENING HERE!? come on!! dont be weirdo, can? get it? haish! Noodle! come on! Maggi is a girl! be more soft to her can?" shouted Fishball.
Noodle glance at Maggi. He felt that he had made the biggest mistake by making Maggi cry. But he can't do anything right now, left with regrets....
four of them went back at the void deck. Other of the members just watch them and kept quiet. All of them.. ALL, knows that Noodle like or can say love Maggi. but they dont want to get involve in their personal problem. let mag and odle solve by themself.
when four of them reached the void deck. Maggi was the first one to take her bag and going to leave the place. her feelings- sad, disappointed, hatred, angry and many more towards Noodle. but she was too late, Noodle grab her hand again, but softer this time.
Maggi still looking somewhere else not Noodle's handsome face.
"Now Mag, tell me. is there any love for me?"
Maggi still kept quiet. yup, there is love for Noodle. But she still thinks that Odle doesnt really love her. She dont want to hurt her feeling, her own feelings. and so she lied.
"no, let me go. i want to go home." Mag answer the question without looking at Odle
"look at me, and say, no you dont love me. 3 times. then I let you go..."
Maggi try to pull her hand. sadfully, Noodle grab her hand tighter.
with her fullest strength she try to pull her hand again. But who is she? she's just a girl. even if she's strong. Odle will be stronger as a boy. Noodle grab both of Maggi's hand. Maggi gave up. she's tired.
"please... let me go! pleasee. our members are looking at us. dont you feel ashame?" begged maggi.
"no, if you feel shameful. lets go behind there so no one can see us."
"NO! i dont want. i want to go home."
without any care with Maggi's shouting. Noodle pull maggi hand and go at the back of the blok.
what we could have been, 5:12 AM.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
this was what happen.. :(
Maggi like
Noodle... kind of a lot. But
Mag take it this as a immature love.
they are still young, in addition
odle likes someone else.
and yeah, at first
Mag felt sad about it, but its not so bad right?
but after 1 month waiting for the girl
odle loved, he was rejected
one day, as per normal, members slacking under the void deck.
Odle came to
Mag and ask her to follow him to the blok infront.
so yeah,
Mag agreed.
they were sitting next to each other, but Mag seat a meter away from Odle.
Odle felt irritated because when he try to seat right next to Mag, she will move a meter away again.
"Mag, why you keeping a distance away from me? Am I a monster? It wont harm sitting next to me"Mag just kept quiet, she feel awkward, she had tried to forget about him and take him as a bestfriend and not more. it will only hurt her feeling if she kept thinking about liking him.
"eeer.. hehe.. sorry. why you ask me to come here? anything you need help? or you want to share secret with me and release your stress out?""Do you think i will always find you to only talk about my problem?"again, Mag kept quiet. she's speechless. she dont know what to talk.
" i still remember the day all of our members chatting with each other..and they ask you a question and answer it truly and you said you like me. do you really mean it?""eeerrr.. why you asking me this? lets talk about different thing. like ap..."Odle knows Mag trying to change the topic. But he dont want to...
"Im asking you a question mag!"Mag feel like fainting. she dont know. why the hell he asking her that question.
she feel like running away from him. she felt like its was in the HELL!
Mag nodded her head, yup.. she likes him dearly.
"then if i like you, would you be my girl?"Mag was shocked.
"i ask you this Odle. do you ask me for stead because of sympathy or love??"silenceeeee~
" is it because after you waited her for a month and she rejected you 5 days ago so you come to me? do you think Im a doll or what? ""NO! DONT SAY THAT KIND OF STUFF!"Odle shouted. He dont know what to say. but the fact is, he really loves Maggi.
"then? If five day ago she accepted you. Will you break with her up? and appear to me and ask me for stead?" Odle kept quiet and Mag felt like she's being treated just like a doll."THE ANSWER IS NO RIGHT? so lets just be friend"mag was trying to get away from Odle.. while she's walking away from him without turning, Odle grab her hand and leans her against the wall. All their members saw whats happening.
Mag was scared, she never see Odle being that rough towards her.
"MAG! i love you! get it? I LOVE YOU!" still grabbing Mag's hand.
Mag's face was red because of fear and her hand is too pain.
Odle grabbed her too hard, but still Odle never notice..
"please Odle let go of my hand.. its too pain"" I wont! is there still love for me in your heart?"mag kept quiet.....
copy righted by ZIANA! TO BE CONTINUED! got to go ! BYE
what we could have been, 5:04 AM.
Sunday, September 6, 2009

yesterday chatted with syed abdullah aka zack..
wow! it was awesome la..
Dina join us too.. he talk with syed on the phone..
and syed send the message to me using microphone..
and so i heard his voice la..
blablabla.. i need to shut down the computer,
so, I continue sms-ing with him then..
not him alone with dina too.. awesome..
but then, dina need to sleep..
so i sleep too..
SYED! if you love my friend a lot.. dont give up easily!
what we could have been, 2:29 AM.

waaah! MIKE HE so cute! ok since sec 1 i admire him.. LOL..
lets start blogging..
on friday my cousins, 2 family came to break fast at my house..
so blablabla.. I talk with my mom about dieting.. haha
then after terawih all...
as per normal..
me, syakirah, fadhli lepak at my brother's room..
then fadhli start asking..
"ziana, do you want to be slim?? you can, you know.. do sit up everyday and jog for about 30 min"" of coz i want to be slim.. okok set later i slim down""yeah! if you slim, you will be slimmer than syakirah."" haha.. eh why you want me to be slim? you want to stead with me ah? haha"*smile*"lame.. be slim and.. and...""and nice skin ah? im black so i want to be lighter ah""why? no need la.. pretty already.. and dark skin is ok what.. let it be, nice""haha. waaaah~ so if im slim and pretty.. you want to stead with me? we cannot, you know!.. we are cousin.. :("both of us laugh.. and he continue smiling.. haha
aaawww so sweet of my cousin, fadhli.. LOL
what we could have been, 1:49 AM.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My family used to pity him..
we try to love him back..
BUT what we get in return?
all your fucker behavior?
ASSHOLE! fucker! sial!
get it? ya.. i wont say badword over a small thing..
and this is big
no need to know the problem, let only my close friend knows..
get it? ok..
nevermind.. HE IS SUCH A FUCKER musibat..
what we could have been, 2:28 AM.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
on monday we celebrated teacher's day
aawww! its was awesome!
i seat in between nazzeera my lovely kakak and sakinah my blacklist member..
ok nazz was "sot" with me.. macam paham..
sakinah layan me so she too is crazy..
then khaniza join our nonsense.. haha
me and khaniza can be a good partner.. our voice are awesome!
dont know why afiqah keep quiet :(
ok then as usual, we go 532...
talk nonsense with khaniza, afiqah, nazzeera..
sakinah cant join us as she with her dance member..
yeap, her dance member ask me and nazz to join.
but we not comfortable with them..
we are waaaay much comfortable with our own member..
ok after talking crap... niza and pika go to their "husband" haha...
left me and nazz alone.. sad sia like real.. lol...
so we watch Fadhzil, Guna, Ishak play with this towel..
hitting each other with the towel
ok first i look at it.. doesnt look pain
Guna hit the towel to me still not pain..
coz i hit at my leg and im wearing thick track pants
sekali fadhzil hit me at my back.. AAAWWW!
luckily i wear double shirt..
oi im a girl.. ass..
get it? it was awesome hang out with them...
ok blablabla...
me and nazz went home.. it was awesome went home with nazz!
at the mrt sakinah rang me..
so she talk to me then pass the phone to nazz...
and blabla..
what we could have been, 5:12 AM.