Saturday, August 29, 2009
yesterday i was sick..
at first it was okay.. like normal..
then during physic class was the worst one!
my voice start to become softer, cant breath properly because of nose block, headache, eye watery...
and contact time too... damn hell...
so bell ring and everyone can go off..
so went off with
sakinah, khaniza, afiqah...
but i never say bye to them.. alamak! SORRY!!!
they need to go ICA and make IC..
and then i meet
we must take care of N.E. corner..
our job is to search of people and play all the games there every friday..
but instead of calling people.. we are the one who play alone..
monopoly!! sorry denice :P you lose!!!
i win the money more than you!! :P
what we could have been, 2:00 AM.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

what we could have been, 9:08 PM.

Today was quite awesome...
ok after school went to the void deck again..
went there with sakinah and nazzeera.. meet afiqah, khaniza and the guys there..
me, sakinah, nazz, joel.. play tarzan the monkey bear, macaroni and 21..
its awesome! joel funny sia.. nazz well done.. we make a nice move..
then me and nazz send sakinah home..
went mac donald.. and went back below the void deck..
then!! i learn to punch.. the right way..guna and the other chai chee guy was like.. "haha! girl want to learn fight! funny sia"first joel teach me.. i try to punch but he keep saying "NO!", "WRONG!"he teach me the right way but i still dont understand..then azizi came he teach me..and yeap! i get it! first i try to punch azizi..he say ok.. now punch joelso i did.. and joel said it was i want to try again.. he say dont wantits very pain.. yay!!then azizi ask to try to do it to guna..then the chai chee guys was like.. busybody..they were standing to see i punch him.. what the hellgirl cannot fight is it?! huh!!yup i try,, but im aimless.. guna so skinny... how sia?and he say not pain.. of coz la! cannot target what!
what we could have been, 4:42 AM.
yeah~ nowadays i feel awkward but nevermind..
like what Azizi advice me.. we know how to find a crying and laughing friends
which means even if we are in trouble in sad position easy to say
difficult situation.. they are still with us.. not only happy moment but also difficulties moment..
and that i want to say thanks gayatri..
and sorry if last time i forget about you..
im not too close with you like i do when im sec 1 and sec 2..
maybe that time i have childish brain...
but now.. i know.. you always close to me..
even if im with someone else.. you always think of me and dont want to lose me..
thanks friend!
you never fail to make me laugh, never fail to stop me worrying about ya..
and my sister that understand my situation
hope you guys be my sad and happy friend..
what we could have been, 2:07 AM.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
my mom and dad used to say..
"dont be too close with your friends"
i asked why... and i didnt believe in what they say..
but now its different, i believe them..
but why must all these happen! i seriously dont want it to happen..
and who's want it? EVERYONE DONT WANT IT!
see! even i write this.. i feel like crying now.. Ya Allah!
I know, you going to say im cry baby? weak? or what so ever..
but im human too! me too got feelings!
who's not sad when our great friend feel like stranger to us..
of course im sad
i dont want this kind of stuff to happen
but what to do.. its a fate that Allah or god want it to be like this..
maybe there something behind all this had happen
who knows? but i hope it will be positive ending...
what we could have been, 4:21 AM.
today was my suckish day of all.. haiz..
got some issues going on..
my sayang NAJMU,! relax ok? control your temper.. just dont think to much... i have forgive you.. its my fault by the way.. i talk to you at the wrong time.. should let you cool down first eh?
my dear HARI,! waaaah! you ah! you want to slap a girl? i kick your round ass then you know.. haha.. ni ways get well soon.. dont play too much.. and you too.. control your temper la! buy for me drinks at the same shop next time!!
my weirdo AFIQAAH!!, haha.. thanks to cool me down and chill me up babe.. *pssst*.. *smile*
my cutestuff KHANIZAA!, you're awesome.. you too cool just now.. haha! thanks for chilling me up..!
my asistant SAKINAH,! woooow~ i dont know what to say about you leh.. haha.. and IM JEALOUS of you.. :P
my irritating friend AZIZI!, you try not to be too KEPO next time ok? thanks coz chill me up when i was crying...
my coolest friend JOEL!, whooop~ thanks to be neutral.. and you too.. you are way too cool.. love the way you control your temper.. *salute*
my judge NAZZ and watercooler AISHA!, WOW! just now at bedok CC was awesome! ass you.. make me scared like hell..
my daughter FATIN!, aiyo you!! you are free from friendship problem.. wa caya sama lu la anak! sorry tak ajak gi bedok CC tadi sis.. aiya.. next time next time!
my tante HOREAH!, sorry sis if i never chat with you that much recently :(..
my BESTfriend GAYATRI!, you the most chill up person i ever known! just now, when im get angry.. you cool me down.. and ask me to go away from there because you dont want me to lose my temper.. at that time only you understand my feeling.. only you could chill me up the most.. only you! i can hug when im crying.. thanks for the hug.. and i will never forget that hug.. i love you :D
what we could have been, 4:08 AM.
hey! i just knew that veron's birhtday is 9 of august..
and its national day..
sakinah, kau diam.. haha
out of sudden.. yesterday while watching 300..
i come out with this words..
" how to protect my bestfriend?
how will life goes on without a bestfriend?
why must I need a bestfriend?
why I feel lonely without a bestfriend?
when I start being your bestfriend?
when will me stop being a bestfriend? :(
which position am I as a bestfriend?
this is what i say to gayatri on the phone just now :D
what we could have been, 12:41 AM.
1) Are you single or attached ?
single or double? single la2) Do you have a person you like ?
yeah! got 2.. but i love 1 the most. both not same race as me :C
3)What is the name of your person you in love with ?
MUST I WRITE?4)If the person you in love and your mother dropped into the sea ,who will you save?
who give us first breath on earth? MY MAMA LA!5)Have you hug someone before ?
parent? brother? friends? but no guys..6)Do you love your parents ?
DUH!!! without them i dont know what is life..7)Will you hug the want you love ?
parents? friends? but if a guy, after i get married..8)Are you willinq to do anythinq for your boyf/girlf ?
see what first.. if negative.. fuck you.. hahaa9)Are you jealous now ?
FOR WHAT!?10)Who is the last person who msq you ?
subha :D11)Who is your clique ?
i dont know leh? what is clique at the first place?12)Do you want babies in future ?
YEAH! produce more generation!13)Do you prefer MacDonald , long john silver or KFC ?
KFC!! 14)Do you sniff glue ?
NOPE!15)Do you smoke ?
want me to get asthma!?16)If your boyf /girlf play 2 timer behind you , what will you do ?
fuck you.. walk off.. haha.. 17)If you rich , what will you do ?
help my parents.. do some positive stuff.. save lots of it for future18)If the love wants held your hand , what will you do ?
grab his hand.. till he scream.. haha19)If the want you in love , reject you , what will you do ?
cant see his face anymore! full of shame! haha20)What is your favourite character ?
cartoon character? pucca.. haha!!21)Friendship or love ?
friendship will last forever... love, we are not too friendship!22)Cookie monster or elmo ?
cookie monster.. so i can eat the cookie!23)Do you use laptop or computer ?
computer...24)Do you like lollipop ?
yeah! when i feel lonely, hyper and weirdo25)Do you have a diary ?
yeah! tell my secret only me and my book..26)there an admirer and wont die heart , what will you do ?
means? i dont understand?.. i die heart too? HAHA!27)If you quarrel wit your boyf / girlf ,and ask for a break up , what will you do ?
ok lets break up.. sad for few days.. and happy back.. more boys outside28)Are you blur ?
most of the time :C29)If you can have your hair dye , what colour do you want it to be ?
die die... i dont want... 30)Who is the last person you chatted with ?
sakinah and syed..31)How many boyf / girlf have you beaten before ?
i dont even have a boyfren :D32)If you boyf / girlf do not love you anymore , what will you do ?
i try not to love him anymore33)What school are you in ?
BTSS34)Tag 10 bestie or friends to do this quiz?
Syakirah (iparku)!8.
kun qin10.
what we could have been, 12:10 AM.
whenever i feel like cryingyou always be there to chill me up...whenever Im angryyou always be there to cool me down...whenever im lonelyyou always be there to cheer me up...whenever im in the wrong pathyou always be there to correct me...about my dear gayatri own feeling toward someonei thought you were closer with me than herbut im wrong..why do I think like that?coz you USED to be closer with mewhy you never tell you usual problem to me anymore?coz you got her to tell those stuff and forget me..why you ignore me when you with her????????? why you accuse me not to talk to both of you?coz you never make the way to talk to me..
and you make me like a LAMP POST!
did i do anything wrong?maybe yes.. coz im close to the person you dont really likewhy you just dont want to straightforward to me?coz you dont want? and think its not important right??i wont say that you forgot me.. coz every human can choose which friend they want
maybe im just to sensitive... i too got ego... adios!
what we could have been, 2:07 AM.
GAYATRI! you're the best..
I wonder why, whenever i feel lonely, when i feel sad
you always rang me at the correct time!
you really rocks my day and even life...
you always understand how i felt...
even if i never talk to you..
you will make the way to make me talk to again..
you are really me bestfriend since sec 1 i know you
from the first day of schooling till NOW!
and till now.. i love you.. and my love for you are growing bigger ad bigger...
soo i really appreciate it! how i wish you have blog and could read this...
so you know how much i love you...
sooo... for the last time i say aik...
with full of love;

Labels: to my beloved bestfren that understand me
what we could have been, 5:18 AM.
chill ok darling? try to FORGET ONE HUNDRED PERCENT about him...
he say fuck you to you??? just say FUCK YOU BACK...
even if they are my close friend to me..
sadfully, you are just lucky cause you are closer friend to me dear!
they are such an ASS... NO BRAIN! thats what i can say!
but im sorry.. coz i cant say fuck or scold to them..
cos i dont want my friendship with them to break apart too..
but i still love you more than i love them...
i think they thought you the type like to fight..
coz you USED to be minah...
but now you the type that hate to fight!
but i tell you this a najmu!..
once people started it ... just fight back.. GIVE NO FACE!
and thats what you told me...
i still remember those day.. the "straightforward confession day"
one of him.. *wont write the name*
call you sundal... seriously i feel like punching HIS BLOODY FACE..
seriously.. before that, i fight with him during the sms
and that day i was just friends with him back
nisha! i know how you feel...
coz when he said THAT WORD, its really have the impact on me...
he's my friend..
but i will try my best not to be close with him anymore..
wish me luck...
now im close with sakinah, nazz, khaniza, pika...
i love that.. but i dont know, how come i feel that..
i betrayed my horeah, fatin, nabeelah..
SUCKS! they never say that to me.. but i know that quite sad..
SORRY SIS! i will try my best to divide my time with you all!
Labels: if its hurt your feeling, sorry
what we could have been, 4:21 AM.
having fun today!
went to najmu house at first to change my shirt..
red shirt, black jeans, beach tudung...
then went sakinah house.. woohoo! make like y own house..
gayatri belanja us KFC at downtown, i just add $2... *wink*
oh yeah! so in the KFC.. we make soo much noise by laughing.. ass sia..
its really awesome.. ohyeah! sakinah wear for me eyeliner nicely
but when it comes to her.. like shit.. HAHA!!!
so went eHub bought gayatri a birthday present..
she likes it.. coz she choose it..i just pay it.. get it?
so blablabla.. nothing to do.. gayatri and nira went home
me, jo, najmu, sakinah went to nazzeera's house..
make like my own house there..
blablabla talk a lot, laugh a lot
so went home.. done!
aiya.. fatin, horeah, zahira, beelah not with us leh..
what we could have been, 4:10 AM.