just now, walking toward the school toilet with Zahira..
then theres a few number of girls run out from their class, almost hit us..
they are our friends anyway...
then i was like
*breathing heavily*
ohMyGod!! why they run like that! scare us manzahira was like
eah! they like to run, just like who? just like YOU, ziana!huh? i like to run meh? you dont anyhow ah..ya seriously you like to run.- giving out paper in class you run..- teacher call your name you run towards them- take things from your friend you run to go therex- things fly off, you run- and many more you know!ooh, that one not run, that one is call jogging..so yeah! she fed up with me already, she punch me ad off we go toilet...
ooooh yeah!! i saw fadhli this morning in 25..hahas.. i just scan my ez-link card.. and i saw him seating and smiling..so i smile at him back, his smile became wider... hahahahaiyooo~ fadhli...... fadhli.....and isnt this sucks now...at school, during recess time.. we must seat within our classmates..what the hello!!! cant seat with my sisters , you know! how sad! but nehmind..still got other bestfren, ashiffa, gayatri, zahira, and just now denice join us! hahaohya.. just now was like going to eat the hotdog bread..then OMG! never wash my hand! its a must H1N1 you know!so after wash, i go and get folk and spoon..haha i ate the bread with folk and spoon la.. DUH!and the others was like STOP IT SIA ZIANA! haha peace~~ok bye
what we could have been, 4:37 AM.

yesterday 3 of us,
IFFAH, HUMAIRA, ZIANA plus izzah, iffah's sister and her friend
watched movie at cathay..
and the movie we watch is.....

YEAH! DRAG ME TO HELL.. its awesome!! seriously its awesome!!!! and scary...
and I was quite shock because in the cinema was damn few people.
only 3 row of seat is occupied... awesome right? so when the movie started..
ya la.. watch.. hha but we scream damn alot!!
theres 1 part i was super shock and panic because of the irritating sound effect..
my leg automaticly on the chair.. haha so its like i seat down hugging my knee.. haha
Humaira beside me became the victim.. i anyhow pull and squeez her hand..
and her hand became my protector of my own eye.. hahaha!!!
and im still not happy.. i go and ACCIDENTALLY pinch
iffah's arm..
she was like.. oi dont la.. haha sorry iffah!!!
and theres one old lady.. NENEK!

i hate her.. she was so damn disgusting.. eeew..
when she want to eat sweet, she remove her fake yellow/black teeth and put on the table
and she's some kind like evil.
its 6 bucks only.. actually for me it still expensive. haa
so after watching, me, humairah, iffah went to whitesand..
we play at archade.. woo!!
dont know why the archade not soo noisy BUT when 3 of us came..
haha! its waaaay toooo noisy...
we shout like nobody business because we always lose :P
then theres 1 part we play baskeball..
1 court 3 of us play.. haha
worst, we anyhow shoot..
and that time i shoot suddenly the ball come out from the court.
and it roll to this 1 chinese guy..
he was like staring at me then the ball then me again..
and i was like laughing non-stop.. hahahah sorry dude...
after that we go PASAR MALAM!! wooo!!!
ohya! that humairah and iffah!!! they steal my wallet!!
i was like panic like hell.. and they can still laughing..
and yeah!! sad that huixuan, jovita, zaqeer my adik haha cant tag along..
i guess it should be super fun if they join us.. :C:C but still I HAVE FUN! hahaha!!
what we could have been, 10:16 PM.
hey yo
this is my CRAZY roommates!!! wooo!!
GANGSTER friend darling wei jie
what we could have been, 2:48 AM.

was like sms with zaqeer known as zack..
the sepet guy.. he says that he go china people talk chinese with him
why?? coz he SEPET... that pic he action only.. haha contact lense konon..
and he the most CRAP TALKER guy i ever met!! hahahaa!!!
i know he love he's nenek fatimah very much!!! haha!!!!
alamak merepek sia that guy... haha we sms craps..
cant stop laughing...
sms sms sms.. theres 1 part hahahaa!!
i become the fish (ikan bilis) and he become the cat :S
he was trying to eat me!! ohmygod!!!
so i said that
i can run from you... i run into the water.. cats scared of water what
zack reply
haha.. im the waterproof cat now...
i become the flying fish la.. so you cant catch me :P
eh, you dont know meh?? im the flying cat sia..!!
what the hell!! then im the invisable fish! you cant see me. bluek :P
i have the infared eyes muahahahhaa!!
i hide somewhere small ah.. im fish what.. you cat you cant catch me!! :P
i have magnet ah :-> hahah
eh! i dont have metal ah!
hahahah!!! forgot siak!!
so we end up.. he watch TV, i play comp
chill jovita!!!
what we could have been, 4:21 AM.
theres 2 guy always stick together like a glue... haha...
one of them i keep staring at him..
hoho.. stare for fun la.. then i was like.. is he malay or chinese or what??
he looks chinese, he eat with hand, and sekali he talk malay.. haha
and now its confirm he is malay..i got his facebook :P
and his comment was like WHAT THE MAMA!!
he comment me this
hey thanks for the add yah...
u were one of the outstanding campers at yoreca 09!
keep it up... lu kecoh ah minah! HAHA
coolio.. i was like :S .. cant believe he said that...
he look so innocent type but he say "lu kecoh ah minah"
is that cool or what??? lol!!!

the guy im talking about, Abdul Rauuf Maskhazin
cute eh?and one more guy.. he always with the guy i keep staring at...
he also looks like chinese.. gaaahh!! but ending up he's malay :S
yeah got his facebook too :P
haha its like what the hell.. his comment also funny sia haha
Hahaha.... Tks for the add ya!!!
Mcm mane boleh jumpa kat facebook ni.
The only i remembered about you was you were the gangster.
Ur acting power la.... =P
and this is the guy, Hafiz Salleh
what we could have been, 5:17 AM.
HEY YOyesterday stop sms-ing with wei jie around 11.. and today.........i woke up around 10 :S hahahabath, tidy up the room, sweep the floor, cook the rice...till 12 in the afternoon... was about to eat my lunchwei jie sms me "good morning!!"i was like, oi afternoon la.. hahhaha.. so sms sms till i online..we chat in MSN.. coolio.. ok we got a lot of similarity actually... haha..its like the facebook quiz we got same result, our fav colour, and the website we always go mysoju and we like romantic type of movies/drama.. woo!!i disturb him with the "someone" he like.. then he say..stop it leh.. making me paisey.. HAHA.. i shouldnt stop.. yeah!!I shouldnt tell who's the girl eh?? hahahahaaa .. ok bye till here!!!
what we could have been, 1:04 AM.
hey yo
yes! i back from
YO RE CA camp!!!
its really awesome man there...
close with my roommates.. stacey, rachel,wei ting, sharifah, jovita.. the awesome!
outsie im close with zaqeer, iffah, hui xuan, alvin, syirah?, cheryl and ya lot more..
ok at there it was really AWESOME..
the place was like hotel
we sleep in the aircon, we eat in the air con, we do group discussion in the air con
everywhere air con!!!
and my group i group 5!! yippe!! they rocks.. RED INDIAN!!! awesome~ the food there rocks man!! woo!! seriously iit doesnt feel like a campingit feel more like a holiday travelling tripp.. cool or what???and they gave us a lot of souvenier(dunno how to spell)4 bottle, 1 smrt bag, super lot of pen, file, banana. hhahaaaa....and most precious is. yo re ca camp.. give me a lot of friendship..friendship loves, friendship kindness, we really had a lot of fun there...aiya feel like going to the camp again!!! gonna MISS YO RE CA CAMP!!its like in the afternoon sms-ing with zaqeer.. after that with my darling wei jie..
my gangster partner sia that one.. haha
wei jie was like asking someone's number... pssst pssst... a girl
and he was like you dont mind right?? haha i was like :S
hello darling of coz i dont mind.. haha and the "someone" really cute
sms with him like until 6 plus.. talk about studies, school, house shirt.. haha
randomly.. our dream... then he got tuition
then back again.. around 8 plus till 11 pm then tired.. haha stop laaa.!
what we could have been, 5:58 AM.
this is just my random photos.. boring la.. so some of the photo maybe you have seen it already but nevermind la eh


sec 1 plus some primary 6

sec 3.. this year la

ni eh?!


when im in sec 2.. february

when im sec 1.. haha

WHO'S THAT!? who else? my MAMA!

eeeeh??! haha fadhli and abang ZUIB

who draw??!! i draw!! like Lol!

is this me?

or is this me?
what we could have been, 6:39 AM.

both when he's sec 2...

guess what?? who's birthday today???
HARI!! wooo weeee~ hariharan s/o segeran .... today is his birthday...
so early in the morning i wish him it sound like this
hey hari, happy birthday to you. may your wish comes true
dont be naughty ok? study hard for your own bright futute.
change to the better everyday ok? :D
And 2 min later he reply..
ok boss. thank you so so much... and dont forget always love peterpan
BABY BOI! baby my foot..
what we could have been, 8:39 PM.
hey yo!!
TO malay kid... what sentence will you form that start every word with letter J??
*Jeng Jeng Jeng*
Jamal jalan-jalan,
Joyah jalan-jalan,
Jamal jumpa Joyah,
Joyah jumpa Jamal,
Jamal jerit Joyah,
"Joyah! Joyah! Joyah!"
Joyah jerit Jamal.
"Jamal! Jamal! Jamal!"
Jamal, Joyah, jalan Jurong, jumpa Jin!
Jin jembalang jeling Joyah,
Joyah jeling Jin,
Jamal jalan jumpa Jin,
Jamal jumpa Jin, Jamal jotos Jin!
*Jeng Jeng Jeng*
and letter K??
*Kwa Kwa Kwa*
Karim kawan Kiah,
Kiah kawan Karim,
Karim kerja kedai kasut,
Kiah kerja kilang,
Kening kiri Kiah kepot,
Kaki kanan Karim kontot,
Kaki kanan Kiah kering,
Kaki kiri Karim kurap,
Karim kata,"Kiah, Kiah ,kita kahwin, k?"
Kiah kata,"K!"
Karim kahwin Kiah,
Kiah kahwin Karim!
*Kwa Kwa Kwa*
what we could have been, 3:00 AM.

haha yesterday wake up early in the morning to go for choir camp bonding...
its super fun.. the treasure hunt like hell yeah difficult...
all the words upside down.. and must find the clue hidden..
they hide the clue like nobody's business.. at the toilet. above the ceiling..
at those place where student like to hide their cigarettes.. damn hell...
and the other one, 2nd level beside DnT studio above counselling room....
the place got soooo many table plus chairs.. and they paste it super inside and below the table..
wth.. and then other one.. the clue is " the place got so many books"
so we thought its inside the library.. and kns still cant get it..
after long while in the library, the librarian says not in there...
so we went out.. hahaha Mr Ng told us that "its below the carpet.."
!!! so we check.. haiz ya its at there.. instruction says outside HOD...
we went there.. at there all the leaders waiting for us.. the game is like this...
seat down in 1 straight line.. each of you have pail in front...
so first person have pail full of water..
must pour it to the other pail behind.. closing your eyes. and cant turn you body..
so in front of me is my cute junior, nabilah..
haha! wth.. she just pour anyhow and I'm super wet!!haha esp my pants..
so must take more water and pass to me... i pass behind.. clara.. haha
so i pour properly.. my aim to to put some in the pail while the other make clara wet..
and what happen?? kai hui anyhow push my pail and the water spill over me..
now its wet esp my head.. AISH!! worst.. i never bring extra under-garments.. haha
dont care.. eating time!!!! around 12.30pm waaah! mrs yeo order
2 set pizza hut-large.. KFC.. damn a lot of chicken... got mash potato, coslow, pop corn..
all large.. the kfc she bought about 2 family meal?? and the $2.90 wing box quite alot..
relax for about 1/2 hour... give prizes to seniors, junior receive prizes from senior..
talk talk talk.. blablabla...
after that miss lee come! miss her lotz!! play music games.. do re me fa so la ti do.. haha
solfege bingo!
then eat time again!! mrs yeo plus miss toh order delifrance.. aaah nice!
and byebye!
what we could have been, 4:13 AM.
HappyBelatedBirthday! KimHyeonJong!may your wish comes true...<3
what we could have been, 1:32 AM.

hey yo
yesterday, syakirah, my aunt and I went to esplanade to watch VJC perfomance
you know! the durian
without any durian smell!! haha why ah??
we reached there quite late as my aunt got exam at al-ansar mosque.
we pray maghrib at there too after praying off we goooo~~ POOF! ZOOM~~~~~
reached there around 7.45.. haish! late for 15 minute!!
the security guard outside asked to wait for awhile until the piano perfomance end..
aiya.. wont feel any regret la. just piano BUT! if it was guitar, bass, or drum i will feel regret
after the piano perfomance end. we may come in and seat down..
WOW!! the show was quite awesome. waaaay toooo coool~~ well done VJC! hhaha
i like the guitar trio the most! woo! with the drum, bass, electric guitar.. isnt that awesome!
if i can meet any of them.. i want to meet this
3 guitarist(mostROCKS), bass player (mostCOOL), drummer(mostAWESOME) ..blablabla.. intermission! my fav.. hahah LIGHT ON!
so i do my hobby, looks at people's face. if i know that person i will stare...
guess what!! i saw newspaper guy!! ok sound wrong..
i saw a guy that appear in newspaper before!!
ZIYAD!actually im not that sure, so i asked my cousin..
me: "eh! is that ziyad.. the guy we saw in newspaper before??"
syakirah" YA LA! eh! his friend quite hot."
so we stare at his friend. haha no offense. he's quite hot.
done with the staring, we went to toilet blablabla.. back to our place again..
haha.. we shout! like hell yeah!! omg ziana! you're a girl! haha
omg! VJC's principal waaay too awesome..
he's very supportive.. he sing!! and when the show almost end he dance! haha
blablabla.. END! haha so went to the toilet before we went home..
when we came out from the toilet. we saw ziyad and his friend going down the escalator.
aiya! i want to see his friend again ah.. haah *soundsFlirtingeeew*
so we went down the escalator.. ya we saw them.. syakirah was like..
omg! he's friend really hot!! haha *agree*
but i prefer guy with dark skin colour or very malay type of skin.. haha he's not that dark.. aiyaaa...
example my bro skin. haha. aiyo~ i am dark la.. so find guy with dark skin.. haha
and i just realize if guy with white/yellow skin walk pass me, i wont feel anything.
if guy with dark skin colour.. my heart will go like boomboom boomboom boomboom! haha
so we went to another escalator.. and i look back.. omg!
Ziyad's friend behind us..
i tell syakirah.. she was like woooooow~ hahahha
then now come to dare..
syakirah dare me to say bye to the staff there.. and she gave me 1 dollar..
so people who know me.. as if i wont dare right??
so i say bye to them, i look back to syakirah and ask for 1 dollar.. aiya!
she also say bye to the staff there.. so we draw.. no need to pay anything.. bye 1 dollar..
so blablabla.. eat at burger king.. ok done

what we could have been, 9:41 PM.
i woke up at 11:15 !! ohmygod!! ziana, you're a girl!! musnt wake up late again!
haiiiish!!! and i miss my subuh again! ARGH!! hate this!
ok as per normal.. wake up, take a shower. wash the toilet with detergent.
my mom asked me to change the bed sheet as I've been using the bed sheet for 2 weeks.. haha..
mama, i always change once a month. haha but not smelly.. haha
then my mom said "remember! you a girl. 1 day you getting married. if you never do all this
things, who will? later your husband says he's very unlucky how? hahahah"
wth.. haha she laughed..
then i say "aiyaaa~ still young what. im not even 20. then you thinking about married?! haha"
mom-"i know. but if you never train now then how? later your mother in-law give up on you.
later she say ish!! why do i have hopeless daughter in-law.."
ok i laughed.. show her white flag off i go and change the bed sheet.. i took quite long around 20
min.. haha
after that i do my sneezing duty, that is sweeping the floor.. haha
after sweeping the whole house. help my mom to eat. haaha and off to the computer
what we could have been, 9:29 PM.

just now i chat with my sayang... hehe
she's waaaaaaaaaay toooooo betteeeeeeeer than ESTHER..
moron!!! i glad we break up already!!!
and im happie to be with my sayaaaang NAJMU nisha
Najmu Nisah D/O Mohd Ali!!
i wont make her dissapointed...
ohya.. just now i chat with her in MSN..
i ask her for a kiss... she gave me 4 lips emoticons
so i gave her back.... 4 lips too..
and i say thanks for the SL.. hahahahha!!
and she was like NONONO!!
haha but sorry sayang! its too late.. wah the kiss is too nice for me *ee?* haha
we kiss again ok???
bye now.. iloveyounisha <3
what we could have been, 5:34 AM.
HEY YOwaaah~ just now luckily i never fart during my maghrib prayer..hahaha.. mama say its not good to hold your fart during prayer..but sorry mama.. haha im forced to.. coz i almost finish.. hahaha.. ishishish...and good news for me.. i never fart.. but after prayer.. not even 5 second..pooooooot.. hahahahaaa.. eeeeeeew~ok tomorrow is
KI HYEON JUNG's birthday!!!
hahaha.. i update about it tomorrow then!!!
just update this for fun..how I wish when i grow im i can have this bike..or my boyfriend/husband..
what we could have been, 5:04 AM.
kim kyu jong
park jung min

kim hyeong jun

kim hyeon jung
heo yeong saeng
what we could have been, 10:07 PM.

oh my god, now Im super addicted to SS501..
haha i keep watching there videos.. walao they waaaay tooo coool~~ seriously...
what we could have been, 9:48 PM.
damn.. i accidentally use my high pitch voice to my mom...
sorry mama!! adik seriously tak sengaja..
she force me to go downstairs and buy panadol coz i got flu..
and plus she asked me to buy detergent..
and I anyhow acuse her..
"ma, just admit it that you want me to buy detergent. so you say buy panadol"
my mom say "ok fine no need to go"
and after that i go down use my own money to buy the detergent and panadol.
she still keep quiet.. andi bought maggi. ask her whether she want or not..
she just shake her head.. and i go in her room.. she just ignore me..
and now my only friend is this computer.. :(
what we could have been, 4:53 AM.
saturday was parents meeting session.. wth.. i must come early..
people can come anytime they want. but i must come at 7.45 ...
but nevermind.. previous day, azizi asked me to call him. so i did
then he ask me about tomorrow. and he decided to go with me..
we meet outside school gate and went in together..
we went toward to the canteen. and saw NAJMU and the GANG..
so blablabla.. we talk about our going-to-missing friend..
at 7.45, i do nothing.. haha blablabla
sakinah came. at last! got
my crazy friend is here!
she say to her mom that she want to stay there.. and her mom say ok
WOW! her mom so hot! haha (minta stead boleh?)
so talk with sakinah.. nothing better to do.
we take a stroll around the school..
so blaaablaaablaaa
ohyaa!! Mrs Yeo look for me.. and she say that
"ziana, your report book is from me. if you never bring the slash back. i wont give you."
i was like wth!! haha.. immediatel, i call my parents to bring that thing along..
so then.... i get my report book!
I PASSED! AMIN! except 1.. humanities (S,G) i get 43% thats sucks man!! damn hell!
what we could have been, 2:31 AM.
DELETED! if that how you act towards me! lets just stop contact with each other even sms-ingjust stop contact or i will just change my sim card or just ignore you.. waste your PP8.. HOHOHO
what we could have been, 7:18 AM.

you will always be in my heart, coz you are my best bro ever!!
although you not THAT close with me.. but still ya.. i love you like my own brother
what we could have been, 5:26 AM.