a lot of photos ehk?
what we could have been, 4:14 AM.

bedok blackz

LOOK AT AZIZI! kekek sia ni laki

me and azizi

fadzhil or fadhzil and I (dunno the spelling la)

hari and I

gay sia joel!

oh my G haha

look at his hand.. OMG

spoiler ah! look there la
what we could have been, 3:20 AM.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
what we could have been, 3:35 AM.
what we could have been, 3:30 AM.
this song called Vois Sur Ton Chemin..
I heard this song, first time from french movie "les choristes" meaning the choir
the story is super cool! best! syiok!!
haha since im choir, you can understand ah..
but hey! even my brother! NCC, hm rank CLT i think
watch the movie and in love with this same song..
same as me.. same taste ehk?
but nevermind just listen the song and you will be in love with it
you will feel as if you in the sky.. but you sitting on the chair.. haha
so yeah!!!
what we could have been, 1:57 AM.
what we could have been, 3:16 AM.
what we could have been, 3:38 AM.
i think my favourite colour going to be SILVER
you know why??
cause choir got SILVER!!
cia yo!!!!
all thanks to MISS LEE(cute+naughty), THE CONDUCTOR(pretty+sexy), and teachers..
and last but not least our choir members!
that put much more effort last minute...
unbelievable, from COP we get SILVER!! wooooooooooo!!!
heres the story goes
was waiting for the result...
waitandwait but still not there yet hahah
so went to toilet.. so
some businesscome out from the ladies receive message from kaihui
"we got silver"
i was like.. WHAT!
i read it for 4 time i guess....
then i call her... REALLY AH!!!
haha then she say ya..
so i spread the news to esther, almas and hafeez
almas and esther call me to ask.. REALLY AH??
hahhahahaaa~~~~~~ wooooweeee~~
ohya at the VCH! i almost cry cause Im scared we going to get COP again..
because we watch 3 choir.. and all of the sounds great!! seriously!!
they making me cry! fear!! hahahah
and yay! we got SILVERSILVER!! hahaaaaaaaa
what we could have been, 3:05 AM.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i just want to say, im REALLY REALLY sorry..
i know im sucks...
even if theres no one tell you this
i going admit it!! i talk bad behind your back..
i cant keep this away from you
i feel even worst if i keep this, but i feel really suck
after saying all those things about you, I feel really hopeless.. useless... careless...
please forgive me for once...
i will never ever do that again..
just like we always say to each other..
we got a lot of similarity....
we love to talk about some handsome guy
we love to drink bandung
we love bubble tea
we love to punch each other
if i hate you, it means i hate myself...
if i insult you, it same goes to me..
just wanna say i really love myself, it means i love you too as a great friend..
please i dont want our friendship to end just like this..
just because of my stupid mistake..
please! im sorry!!! i send you many sms for forgiveness...
and you never even reply once...
you really making me feel bad...
please at least send something..
even if its a bad message, swear word or what! at least reply me!!!
i keep thinking about it... and i got fever now..
please forgive me!!! i dont want to lose you as a great friend!!!!
even if you dont want to be my friend anymore! at least say that you have forgive me!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
what we could have been, 10:13 PM.
omg! Zahira and I addicted to what Haikal always say...
SOT SIA AKU . . .and
what we could have been, 4:23 AM.
YO!!hoho.. yesterday in the morning at 3am having asthma... ATTACK..
hoho.. difficult to breath.. its like theres something stuck at my throat and my lung..
so breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.. still cant breath properly..
at first i dont want to take the inhaler, coz my room is TOO dark.. scared la.. hoho..
but i give up, coz cant breath properly, and keep coughing.. so at last..
i go and take the inhaler (blue colour, the brown is for afternoon)
and at last, i can breath properly...and have a rocks sleep... whooop~~~
what we could have been, 10:46 PM.
yooo!!today is Haikal's birthday..and my other friend(cant tell the name)hoho!!HAPPIE BIRTHDAY to both of you!!
haikal! sorry la! tak ada duit nak belikan kau lipstick.. hahaha!!!!!blablabla lets talk about ALL TIME LOW
All Time Low is a
pop punk band from
Lutherville-Timonium, Maryland, they formed in 2003. The band consists of lead vocalist and guitarist Alex Gaskarth, guitarist Jack Barakat, bassist Zack Merrick and drummer Rian Dawson.
what we could have been, 10:33 PM.
yoo!that day, plan to go bubble tea shop near the cheers there..(near school) with Zahira..
then I plan to walk long way la.. so walk walk walk.. saw Helmi and Haikal.. they join ask..
then they ask me
where are you guys going?"
bubble tea shop near cheers"
then why are you guys walking here?"
walking long way.. but! eh i think i dunno where to go"
zahira was like WHAT! helmi and haikal was like haiz.. wth...
then they show us the way in the end..
waaaaaah... both of them make zahira and i laugh non-stop man!!!
hahaha... reached the bubble tea shop, we order..
haikal ask zahira to belanja him... so ya zahira plan to belanja him..
but he dont know that zahira buying him the bubble tea and he go and buy vitasoy at cheers..
HAHA.. then.. after he know that zahira bought the bubble tea already he was like..
OHNO! his face with the "no expression" type open his mouth wide.. and ya..
we laugh laugh laugh... so going back to school...
the boys saw a big poster.. HAHA.. they stand in front of the poster and open their mouth wide..
as if they first time saw posters... so blablabla...
and haikal saw cats.. he wanna to fight the cat with a straw.. haha
he poke the cat private part (not hard la, the cat cant even feel it)
haha.. then he say
wah! this cat going to be high man"
AHAHHAHA.. eeeeeeeeeeeeew!
so zahira,me,haikal,helmi reach the school gate!
in front the school gate.. helmi teach us new shake hand.. hahah cool man!
so shake hand with heli and haikal..
they say that my hand like a boy hand and Zahira's like a baby hand..
i was like ... ya, i know.. haha coz my hand seriously rough and big...
tired la ok bye!
what we could have been, 2:11 AM.
LIVERPOOL! NOT TO BE SAD!COZ YOUR FAN STILL HERE! HOHOHO!!haha just being anti chelsea and man U.. sorry! no offense!
what we could have been, 7:04 AM.

he got a cute type of peace.. my one is a cool type of peace.. LOL

the posing look cool but our expression looks weird and SUX

half of the neya's

half of gangs.. lol

not sure why im standing..

YO.. "hot" sia that guy.. HAHA LOL! like real

yesterday went to Bartley MRT... i guess hhahaha..
they show where is the bomb shelter.... gerek pe...
there's a lot of handsome guy (normal for me coz for me everyone is handsome)
then blablabla.. i and jovita the one who is SUPER DUPER hyper.. always...
what we could have been, 12:13 AM.