what we could have been, 1:20 AM.
damn.. i lost my HP.. on 29th january...
ya my HP!! what the hell...
i dont know how come i could be sooo careless!!!
damn... and i wont whoever stole it...
or if saw the hp never give back to me
or if the person sell it.. the money will make them bad luck
and hope they lost their HP, BAGS, BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND that they love, ALL THEIR PRECIOUS THING i hope they lost it....
after finding out I lost my HP...
i started crying... ya.. cry..
tell my who wont cry if they lost their HP
1st cry
hari: eh, adik(lil sis) what happen?? why adik cry??fadzhil: eh asal kau nangis??i never respond
hari: adik!! tell abang!!(big bro)why are you crying??fadzhil: ya abang here also can help!!me: i lost my hp...hari: oh.. ok.. adik suspect who? maybe abang can help...fadzhil: ya ya yai silent myself
ashiffa: let me try to call your handphone...fadzhil: okok i try..after awhile still cant get it.....
so i search my hp from 1st floor till 3rd floor...
reach class during maths... cant concentrate...
2nd cry
nazzeera, sakinah, zahirah, afiqah, khaniza ask me to go find DM and make report
and so i did it... blablabla....
after DM spotcheck the 3NT classroom...
still cant get it
and i cry.. silent crying..... I sit against the wall.. i cant move at that time...
sulastri, dee, najmu, jovita, ashiffa, gayatri all were around me..
but they really cant do anything.. i just kept crying
3rd cry
i go in class... all start to ask..
i cry again.. with all the tsktsk, sobsob,
fadzhil:eh relax ziana.. relax!! dont cry! please dont cry! hari: eh adik ok or not? dont cry la...ben : eh relax.. dont cry.. you ok or not?hari said that while touching my hair as if im a cat,,,,
i was like no voice, cant even walk....
and i cry till no tears...
that time khaniza, nazz all with me.. gaya3, ashiffa
4th cry
fadzhil lend me his phone...
i call my mom
me: hello mama.. *cryingsound* i lost my HPmom: ok la.. then whyare you crying??me: MAMA!! I LOST MY PHONE...mom: oh.. check all the place alr??me: ya.... but dont havemom: ok la if like that cant do anything what.. me: ok byeher voice so relax...
after no tears
hari keep touching my hair non stop.. as if im his real lil sis
then khaniza say he should hug me.. he never respond
then bell ring.. i get up take my bag..
hari : adik sini meh.. hug abang...me : gila? (soft voice)come la... he just come near me, i push him he come again and hug.. luckily bag was infront of me...
what we could have been, 12:02 AM.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
hey yo....
with my cozin.. all the non-married...
at 10 + all of us leaving my house....
we take lorry to reach our destiny... its damn fun!
we go and eat eat eat till 11 or 12...
then abang Zaki tell us story about camping.. during his NS
then go and play bowling at east coast till 2++
omg! i score 70!! yay!!! but the second round i scare 64
then go marina barrage...
hahaha... its like very tiring went up and up..
so i plan to jog with syakirah and she agreed
fadhli saw us jog, he also does the same thing.. haha
then kak tijah, kak ain, kak zu all went to the toilet..
so i followed the behind...
they went in already... but i realize that..
most of the guys went in the toilet.. and DAMN..
the sign board shows that its a male toilet..
3 of them was like.. ah! ah! ah!
hahaha..... weirdo... very funny sia...
kak tijah: alamak... no wonder i see all male went inside that toilet..kak ain: thats why!! i was like wondering.. why they can come in..kak zu: haha! i cant believe it! we went in the cubicle alr! omg! its a MALE TOILET!I WAS LIKE GAGAGAGAHAHAHAHAHAWAWAWAWA
then blablabla.. we celeb birthday, then play alots of game..
then go home.. otw to go the lorry from marina barrage..
theres a number of guys was like..
peace-peace at me and kak tijah..
i ask kak tijah who are they..
and she dont know.. haaa.. weird guys.. go woodbridge la...
what we could have been, 3:33 AM.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
what we could have been, 11:00 PM.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
She said somedays I feel like shit
Somedays I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit
I don't understand why you have to always be gone
I get along but your trips always feel so long
And I find myself trying to stay by the phone
'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone
But I feel like an idiot, working my day around a call
And when I pick up I don't have much to say, so
I want you to know its a little fucked up that
I'm stuck here waiting, at times debatin
Telling you that I've had it with you and your career
Me and the rest of the family here singing
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home
You know, the place where you used to live
Used to barbeque with burgers and ribs
Used to have a little party every halloween with candy by the pile
but now you only stop by every once in a while
I find myself just filling my time
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind
I'm doing fine and I'm plannin' to keep it that way
You can call me if you find that you have something to say
And I'll tell you
I want you to know its a little fucked up
that I'm stuck here waiting,
at times debating
Telling you that I've had it with you and your career
Me and the rest of the family here singing
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home
I want you to know its a little fucked up
that I'm stuck here waiting, no longer debatin'
Tired of sittin and hatin' and making these excuses
For why you're not around, and feeling sorta useless
It seems that one thing has been true all along
You don't really know what you've got till its gone
I guess I've had it with you and your career
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home
Please come back home
Please come back home
Please come back home
Please come back home
what we could have been, 3:54 AM.
Little Piece Of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfoldhysteria/starlight/newborn-Musewooooo!!
what we could have been, 1:55 AM.

what we could have been, 3:15 AM.
what we could have been, 3:08 AM.
omg!!! why people keep asking me what kind of boyfriend or husband i want...
and i keep saying this... wait wait..
my boyfriend must have
pray everyday without fail
must love me
love my parents like he love his own parent
take care of me
bring me to a positive life instead of negative life
must have a good job
good salary
responsible person
patient guy
funny guy
he never kiss/hug a girl before (except mum and sisters)
DONE!! i know its damn a LOT! but i dont expect all of those above must have to the guy i want... i know its more like to fantasy but at least the guy must have some of the above in their life esspecially when it comes to something about religious!!!
what we could have been, 1:11 AM.
hmmmm.. it has been a while i never update my sexy blog...
so anyone miss me?? ha.. if you dont.. i bet you're lying.. OK CUT!
hey.. do you all know that A-maths is.. woooooo..
haha.. im still at chapter 1 so its NOT that headache...
sooo.. ok i will try my best to score for test!!!
jia yo!!!
talking as such.. lets talk about my seating arrangement..
do you know that i seat in front!! KNS!
im short now.. damn.. last time i used to call all my friend shorty
BUT now?? im the short one.. my height like never grow since last year... damn!
i aim for 167.. but im 163!! WTH!!
so OK CUT! back to topic!
i seat close to my BESTEST friend... ashiffa and gayatri!!!
ashiffa seat at the right hand side and gayatri behind me...
and azizi left hand side.. fadzhil behind azizi...
waaah.. the boys make me headache...
OHYA! meet new fren ZAHIRA!
she's pretty.....
hey as per normal.. MY ENGLISH SUCKS LIKE HELL!!!
hahahaaaa... hopeless...
ok see ya!!
what we could have been, 12:21 AM.
Thursday, January 1, 2009

SOME RANDOM PHOTO (bedak sejuk)


what we could have been, 2:41 AM.
HEY!! 2moro! school reopen!!
jyeah!! i pack all my thing.. and all my
ben 10 stationary!!!
ben 1o, 4 in 1 colour pen.. 2 wooden
ben 10 pencil, 1
ben 10 note book, 1
ben 10 pencil box, 1 black
ben 10 pen, another 1 mech
ben 10 pencil, 1
ben 10 eraser, 1
ben 10 sharpener, 1
ben 10 ruler... coooooooool!!!.... LOVE LY~~~
gotcha FADHLI!! haha.. he pretend to be farhan.. i receive msg sound like this
" hie.. im farhan.. this is my new number"
i was like wondering who the hell is this? and how he get my number?
then in evening i reached home, he show my bro his new hp.. but doesnt show to me..
ISNT IT OBVIOUS! ITS HIM... and last time he used to trick me that way too..
and of coz i know if he does for the second time... FADHLI!! LIKE DUH!!!!
HAFIZ!! see you tomorrow!! anything see me!! haha
DAMN! i LOST my earpiece... shit la!
i gonna buy the new one!! tomorrow at bedok interchange, my 4th house haha...
hmmmmmmm... hope there's purple or white colour!!!! HOPEFULLY!! i want WHITE COLOUR!
what we could have been, 1:38 AM.