Tuesday, December 30, 2008
hey yo!!!
yesterday, 30th january
as per normal wake up for praying at 6.30 then bla bla bla
at 8 plus meet horeah at eunos mrt..
she work at our school selling the uniform..
so yesterday the last day selling the uniform..
and i help her, from 9 till 2 then got choir and again help her pack from 4-7....
cool... when im helping her i was like ok this is fun and KNS..
around 12-1 theres a lot of ppl..
and horeah need to take care of this irritating nyonya..
dunno how many time she change her mind to buy the uniform
so im the one in the hurry, run there run here..
measure people's waist.... (when comes to boys i was like EEEEE)
after 1 come... another come so i need to take care around 4 - 6 people IN 1 SHOT!
so i was like damn tired.. and i even count the money wrongly...
luckily the aunty realize.. and luckily i only did mistake 1 time...
after choir.. blablabla.. finish
i go back to the room.. i pray zuhur first..
then help to pack.. and there a guy called adam
same age as me and horeah... never talk to him B4..
so make a new fren.. we call him "abang" means brother...
coz the boss keep calling me adik..
soo.. ya... hahahah......
after finish all.. we relax in the room.. i draw at the white board and horeah join..
and our "abang" keep laughing.. coz our drawing SUCKS!!!
LOL.... after that bla bla bla...we get $10..... haha
reached home.. my mum ask me to buy mutabak
coz my cozin came from victoria school.. then having the sec 1 orientation.... damn dunno how spell...
so my cozin, zhafir and I went to buy the mutabak...
ok done!!! haha!! bye!
what we could have been, 9:49 PM.
Friday, December 26, 2008
after watching movie on 19 dec at TM, we go to SWENSEN!!

one of my fav drawing...
isnt it cool??

us.. at there?

what we could have been, 4:50 AM.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
that day i went to victoria school accompany my irritating cozin P6 to his new school...
ok at there i saw my ex-classmate... Farhan...
ok.. its like he's getting handsome... hahah
at first i was sitting near the pond and i saw him.. i was like... EEEHH!
then he say eh "hie!!" he wave his hand to me and i say hie back..
and his fren dunno who say hie back...
then he ask blablabla...
ohya at victoria school theres alot of fish.. 1 of them very fat..
i chop.. i give his name "sayang sayang"
i like to touch my sayang sayang....
ohya... i play monkey with syakirah and nadiah at the hall..
theres handsome guy... hahha
chinese prefect....DAMN! i dunno why since primary 6.. i like chinese... damn it..
either in counter D.. or G... or H... damn i forgot..
his hair so cooooooool!!!!
wish to see him again hahahahah!!
after the blablabla...
we went to TM..
watch latest hindi movie...
then go swensen.. at there we eat ice cream...
and theres a guy around 25 years old and above keep looking at me
kanasaii.... till i went home he keep looking at me....
ok till here buy!!!
what we could have been, 5:20 AM.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
ok on the dunno what date..
but for 1 week my fren and I go to marina square, suntec city and esplanade.....
funfunfun... haha
that day huishan, xiuyi, and i go to suntec..
and theres a place where we can decorate some balls.. hahahahha
i suggest you all should go to the marina bay hahah outside then esplanade...
theres a lot of balls! hahahah!!
what we could have been, 11:56 PM.
hey all.. its has been 3 months i never update my blog..
kanasai... no time plus my comp like "busyet"
ok lets talk about... SINGAPORE YOUTH CHOIR FESTIVAL camp!! hahaha!!
heyhey.. aha
its like ver damn fun.. learn 11 song in 2 weeks... and we perform at victoria hall...
and we go to CCAB for 1 week.. and victoria for 1 week.. altogether 2 weeks.. hahah
meet new fren from mac pherson sec and manjusri sec....
they kinda rocks and damn friendly..
and whenever i laugh they say
"ziana.. your laugh sound weird"
and they start to laugh.. haiyo.... and so on..
whenever i laugh they laugh.. haiyo......
what we could have been, 11:39 PM.