Wednesday, October 29, 2008
what we could have been, 2:00 AM.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
wow.. it has been quite a long time, i havent been update my blog..
buzy reading books.. haha thats me.. if i read love novels.. i wont care about anything else..
sometimes my mom will nag at me coz when i wake up early in the morning, i straight away read books.... i never tidy up the house such as sweeping the floor? help her cook? tidy up the room? wash the dishes? fold clean shirt? or sometimes i never even bath ...
ohya.. on the dunno what date... on saturday.. BTS CCA perfomance, perform at temasek junior college... haha me as a choir... so fun la sia... the show started at 8.. so all of us, get ready..
put on our costume, make up all... i was like..
" ok, can anybody put on eye shadow for me"
haha difficult la...luckily my friend help..
then blablabla.. the show started.. we sing plus some movement..
end of the show.. I heard my friend shout out my name
i was like hehehehe.. haha
ok then blablabla.. we go home at 10 pm...
horeah and hikmah saw me.. they keep laughing..
they say
" HAHAHA.. ziana.. you not ziana rocker anymore.. you should put ziana choir.. haha"
bastard sey.. hahaha...
then otw to bus stop, we talk2 then suddenly horeah talk about my tshirt..
yayah=" ziana, see, people all after perfomance use nice shirt.. but you? haha use T-shirt and track pants.. haiz.. tomboy sia.."
ana=" haha bastard haha.. who cares"
then i walk like gangster.. act like mat
ema="hahaa.. stop it sia kak ziana"
yayah=" OI, ziana rmbr you wearing make up.. later ppl thought you bapok"
ahha.. idiot sia.. okok bye got to do some work!
what we could have been, 9:50 PM.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ku akui ku sangat sangat menginginkanmutapi
kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengertiini semua harus terjadi........keluhan hatiku tak siapa yg tahu
ku simpan semua sebak di dada biar ku yang terluka
pernahkah kau mengerti caraku memujukmu
pernahkah kau hargai cara ku mencintai mu
nafas dan kata dari bibir
adakah yang dari hati mungkin kau tak fahami maksud yang tersembunyi
titisan air mata dari pipi ke bumi
pernahkah kau peduli tentang diriku ini
aku berhenti berharap
dan menunggu datang gelap
sampai nanti suatu saat
tak ada cinta kudapat
kenapa ada derita
bila bahagia tercipta
kenapa ada sang hitam
bila putih menyenangkan..
Bukan maksudku, bukan inginku
Melukaimu sadarkah kau di sini 'kupun terluka
Melupakanmu, menepikanmu
Maafkan aku
Lupakanlah/caci maki saja diriku
Bila itu bisa membuatmu kembali bersinar
Dan berpijar seperti dulu kala
what we could have been, 6:26 AM.

hoi! haha!! see! I dare to put ur pic in my blog!
what we could have been, 6:16 AM.
edit by astri.. sulastri
what we could have been, 6:14 AM.
hahahaaa... there a FIRST TIME IN HISTORY again
my brother ask me who sing the indonesia song..
the song start with piano..
i was like huh? there's a lot of song with piano at the start..
i look at the screen he search under peterpan..
since my email is peterpan.. kuang3
then he said.. that advertisment la...
i was like thinking again..
then he ask me for more indo band..
since im a big fan of indonesia since P6..
i read indonesia story book, watch sinetron, movie, songs, learn about their bands..
(even indonesian guy were handsome in TV)
kk enough... then i was like "ting ting ting"
sheila on 7-berhenti berharap !!
alamak menyusahkan adik kau benar dekni!!!
then he was like.. ok thanks! yes ah!! woooo!!!
what we could have been, 2:44 AM.
first time in history!! i pass my english paper 2 !!!!!!
oh ya.. I pass my maths.. 82.. and wth.. my classmate 2-3 ppl get 90 and above..
then my DnT as pernormal get 60..
ok the other paper wait till 2morow yaw!! bye!
what we could have been, 2:35 AM.

this 1 miss out.. FIRST DAY raya..

waiting for our makciks... take pic la

outside my aunt toilet

bujang kat belakang tu sebok.. fadhli..
syakirah.. pretty right?
want her number? ask from me!

first time in my life.. im wearing that necklace ( my cuz necklace)
this was all the photo I took yesterday.. we have a lot of fun..
we go 13 houses.. wow.. almost every house we ate man.. damn...
mak besar ( my aunt) children (my cuz) rent a lorry..
it was like so DAMN FUN!
I like when we from bedok go to chua chu kang..
abang Osman(my cuz) took TPE...
waaaaaaaah!! I like the wind man!! my scarf was like almost flying away!
at around 6+ 7+ 8+ haha sot..
syakirah and I was like bored...
whenever we saw a car with 1 big family inside we do a rock sign
all of them was like dont care.. except few smile to us
then 1 of the car was DAMN SUPPORTING..
i think it was like this
" the mother and father sitting infront
the children at the back was like woooo!!! do the rock sign to us back!
a lot of them.. my cuz say, "its all abang2 inside"
i only saw 2 kids and the other cant see
hahahaaa.. fun man!!!
some of them waves, some of them rock sign, some of them i love you sign"
what we could have been, 2:16 AM.
just now having DnT exam...
i was like writing the answer..
waah sian! azizi keep hitting my table when Mr Raihan never saw him..
then keep looking at my work, smile2 hahahhaha
cannot take it man!!!
then yesterday,
azizi bring sweet drink into exam room...
i tell him that later mrs wong will scold him..
then he keep drinking but he lower down his head..
then he laugh.. hahahaaaa...
then again, he drink
when teacher writing on the board he show off his bottle..
afiqah, sakinah, nazzeera and I was like WTH! and laugh
then he finish the water, he put the bottle beside me chair..
alamak this guy ah....
what we could have been, 10:56 PM.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
eh hey..
haha.. yesterday sit for history and english exam...
quite difficult la actually...
haha.. you know what..
during history exam, azizi making us laugh.. haha..
he keep doing nonsense things...
that time i was flipping the paper... suddenly he tap/punch my hand..
its like.. wth.. and the teacher never saw it..
so i punch him back.. at the hand.. then he laugh.. siao.. haha
then when teacher want to collect the paper.. he take my un-use paper and crush it
and give back to me.. and take it back.. crazie sia..
then he talk to hari, joel, fadhli and fadhzil..
hari and him get scolded many time.. haha and their behavior kena record..
but still they make noise..
then when azizi make noise. me, sakinah and nazzeera behind me laugh..
teacher scold both of them becoz they keep smiling..
fuuuh.. luckily i cover my face when smiling...
done done.. byebye!!
what we could have been, 12:52 AM.