that live near the
what we could have been, 12:26 AM.
what we could have been, 11:48 PM.
haixyo!! yesterday was quite boring.. so I listen to muzic as per normal..
then at 8.30 waaah.. so sleepy... very fast right? bcoz its boring..
so I take photo laar.. like duh.... follow my cozin style muahahaha

fadhli's watch and my watch.. which one is nicer? ABVIOUSLY LA HIS!!

While doing my maths HW... then finish so write something on my diary

my FULLNAME... muahahaha...

wazzup... close my mouth and nose .. in my bro room.. busyuk ah..
is he know i say this.. WALAO MATI SIA !!!!!
what we could have been, 11:25 PM.

baek ah.. kk all of them are indians except for me.. bt i think im part of it.. coz im bengali..
father bengali.. mother malay.. the MIXTURE... muahaha.. ohya they rocks!
what we could have been, 3:42 AM.
waaaaaaaaaaah~~ my mom's friend daughter is getting engaged today...
cool kan? then my father, mother and I go there to make "gubahan"
haha wooo!! my mother ad father decorate the "roti kirai" , beef curry, the salad and the sos..
me? decorating the corn pudding with the red and green cherry, and some flower..
waaaaaah~ I very proud la siao.. some of my mom's fren sibling say nice...
they even ask if they take 1 "gubahan" cost how much...
its like WTHeaven.. i do that just for my mom's fren...
hahaha!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaah!! can make money by that...
ohya.. and I saw 2 handsome guy.. hehe.. gatalnye.. bt seriously even my mom say they look handsome...
bt 1 kinda bapok.. and i ok la.. muahahaha....
bt not that handsome like my Pete or gerard from FOB and MCR...
or not that handsome as my "july" kk onli sakinah know it..
what we could have been, 2:21 AM.
its like WTH-eaven...
just now I was doing jumpstyle in my room.. and i fall down.. ok la dont care
then i try again and i almost sprain my ankle!! OUCH!! haha ALMOST ehk..
then i angry already i throw my HP.. kk pat tu mepek..
I off the muzic in my phone.. haha...
ohya... I kena 2 DEMERIT POINT!! bcoz i didnt go for NEYA meeting...
like duh!!! i was planing for racial harmony... for the old folks.. and i kena 2 DEMERIT! :C
HISH!! mcm rabak siao...
what we could have been, 7:02 AM.

azan berkumandang.. enth la ehk.. tk tau spell(bdk libry after borrowing 4 bk)

oh no! i hurt the toilet bowl!! haha my mom say
ya i noe look like tomboy.. bt im used to be naughty.. wakakak
"ya ALLAH tk de keje ke" when she saw this pic(sch toilet)

my cozin, mcm org jail sey.. ni lepas jln pat pasar malam(below my blk)

ngok ape tu cik kak??( canteen take pic while waiting for CCA)

this is the place.. haha i like to do jumpstyle and
look myself in the mirror.. CACAT TAU! (sch toilet)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (sch toilet)

haha my bestfren...(sch toilet)

my bestfren since last year... baru ah (class room, during recess)
(B4 i broke my spec)
what we could have been, 5:02 AM.
lesson as per normal.....
oh ya!! DURING SCI!! try to understand MISS ANN WEE..
kk onli bedok towners understand....
miss ann make us stay back... haha she hold the door so we cant leave...
try to understand my class.. 1 by 1 the attitude.. NAUZUBILLAH!!
Kun Er push her.. and try to open the door... its like WTH... jahatnye!!
then i was like fed-up so i just seat on my place quietly.. and teacher let me go first
HAPPIE NYE KITA!! k ah till here.. ohya! the door almost break.. HAHA!!
what we could have been, 3:45 AM.
JGN MARAH!!cermin mate pecah..
tak sengaje....!!!!!damn!! i broke my spec.. the lence broke into 2!! haixyo...
kae my mum dunno anything yet.. maybe i keep it secret for time being...
i dunno how i broke my spec.. i remember this
i go into my class.. haixyo.. the guys all noisy.. it was during recess anyway....
so i put my spec on my table.. and go toilet practice my jumpstyle
haha no one in the toilet la.. except for my bestfren...
so after that i went into my classroom.. and MY SPEC!!
mcm nak nangis... niwae i cry... gembeng ah?? just shut up!! :C
ohya.. then the next day.. i was like ALAMAK!!
my seat was at the back.. coz im tall.. im going to be 14 and my height is 163!! WOO!! yay!!
i cant even see a thing on the board.. kk can see la bt not clear. and i sit infront..
talking about height.. my height haiz.. last time i used to grow tal very fast.. but now...
last year im 162 and this year 163 MAK I!! 1 CM ONLI!!!
and i cant call my fren short anymore coz our height is almost the same :C malunye!!
what we could have been, 3:20 AM.
MAK I! lol.. amirah gimme pen.. she gave me 5 PEN.. you know why..
coz the pen got PINK color... like.. what the heaven!!
she think i like PINK?? hellllllloooooooooooooo!!
im ZIANA!! haha ROCKERS.. wakaka
i DONT like PINK kae?? seriously!!
oh ya! just now in muzic room i cant sing!!
coz got a BAD sore throat.. ouh!! SAKIT SEY!!
what we could have been, 4:06 AM.
today was my ALAMAK day!!!
my HP.. JAM JAM JAM!!! damn!!
i think more than 10 time fadzhil and I on and off the cute lil HP.. geram sey!!
and at last ya ALLAH!! during recess time it was ok.. OTAK STRESS!!
and i thought my spec lost.. and found on the chair i sit!!
what we could have been, 5:41 AM.

macam paham

nice cert.. but i lose badly

arent they cute??
me, dini, nurlena( psst, 1 of my pidato fren from victoria like Nurlena..
the name is LUQ**N wakaka.. he even take her photo!! kk dont spread LOL)

khaniza,sakinah, afiqah and me

cikgu suriani, me, azizi, the VIP, mak azizi

me and cikgu at bus stop

azizi and me kekek sia.... friend from sec 1 onli.. bt his ATTITUDE GOSH! like damn!

me in the meeting room

sup after pidato
haha.. all the above there was during the pidato competition.. gagagag..
. waaah i lose.. but nehmind coz this was my first time mah...
oh i make a lot of new fren.. but i onli remember 4 name...
from ngee ann sec= DINI, NURLENA
from victoria sch.. mampos. skola gerek=LUQMAN, WISNU..
haha think so.. but i never talk to wisnu ah dunno why..
close with dini si CUTE, nurlena si CANTIK, luqman si PERASAN BAIK
wisnu i dunno ah.. he look kinda quiet person, but he like to laugh, think so..
oh ya luqman get 3rd in place.. wtfish.. niwae congrats
coz my number is 9, luqman 10, dini 11, nurlena 12, wisnu 18..
i dunno how i know his name eventhough he's number is 18...
we onli talk among our self... OHYA the indon girl..
NAUZUBILLAH.. very ther peramah..
waaah they was so damn funny.. KECOH DOK...
hahaha!! love them.. but i cant remember their names.. sorry aik...
till here then bye!!
what we could have been, 9:26 PM.
DAMN!! so abg munir at KFC!!
iiishh!! i was so damn shock.. haha i ignored him..
obviously la!! what do you expect.. malu oi...
im not even ready... haiiizzz... just realize..
i THINK i going to be taller than him gagagagaga!!!..
woooo!! oh ya btw.. im from library with my cousins.. yeah!!!
so we plan to go to KFC.. and gosh.. what a embarrassing day!!!
ni wae.. after that buy rambutan and bla bla bla ~~
in the bus i took pic with my DEAREST COZIN.. SYAKIRAH!!
woooo!!! wait2 here some photo!

what we could have been, 3:01 AM.
waah! so bored!!
ohya, sorry didnt update my blog for long time heeeh!!
that day tintin, yayah and I sit together after school as usual waiting for what ever class..
and we sitting there quite long...
and suddenly I started smell smoke and yayah say yup, tintin say a-ah..
haha.. and its real.. 2-3 boy smoking right behind us!!
i was like so damn aarg!! cant they just smoke other place...
so we deicided to change place B4 i started vomitting or headache...
we sit near our previous place... coz we didnt bring our bag along...
so we sit like for nth... then tintin and denice started taking picture
and so was the party begin haha...
this is the pic we took together ehk!!

what we could have been, 2:37 AM.