cikgu salmeah choose!! haha aku kene buat pidato... mampos!!
depan bdk2 skola lain.. GILE KE PE... haha
but dont want to dissapoint her so kene buat jgk..
try my best!! jgn kasi dia and the school malu!!! haiyooo..
what we could have been, 12:47 AM.
hahaaaa!! just now morning assembly was a shock!!
principal knows about blogging!! haha....
and she view some of our blog.. (bts student blog)
hahaha!! coool!!! she's ROCKS!
what we could have been, 12:46 AM.
after choir lesson.. i plan to go to libry..
and i ask esther to accompany me...
on the way to libry.. we keep talking about our choir instructor hehe
reached the libry.. both of us go toilet and take PHOTO!!
haha.. fun man!! after that i wanna go to the malay place to look for malay story..
on the way going there... kk, i like to look at ppl.. for fun...
so i accidentally look at 1 boy around 18-20 years old?? haha..
and less than 2 second i look at other place BUT
even i was infront of him and he keep looking!! am i a monster??
make me scared.. and esther beside me was laughing bcoz of that!! damn!!
making me BLUSH!! iiish! hate her!! haha
what we could have been, 6:18 AM.
alaaaaaaaa~~ so sad!! you want to hear the sad story??
the story is.. I CAN SEE MR LEE (my choir intructor) AGAIN!! ANYMORE!!
damn!! so sad!! heeeh!! cant see his handsome face and cool voice again!! :(:(
his voice was so damn cool.. its really sound like a real man..
haha obciously la his man.. haiyoo~
ish!! gonna miss him man!!
ni wae.. after choir going home as usual take 225..
and you know what!! he also taking 225!! gosh!!
esther and i sit infront of him coz there no more seat left duh!
and esther said that he keep looking at both of us!! OMG!! heeeh!!
what we could have been, 6:08 AM.
gagagagaggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! just now i got choir!!
our instructor ussually is miss lee...
but to day maybe she sick today.. so..
a new instructor conduct us.. and its a man...DAMN HANDSOME LA!!
even gayatri my bestfren that have better taste than me say he's handsome..
hehehe... thats mean.. im not wrong la!! gagagaga!!
but so sad.. he will be teaching us for today and 2morow.. aaarg!! gagagag!!
CANT WAIT FOR 2MOROW!!!woooooooooweeeeeeeeee~~
what we could have been, 4:59 AM.
OMG!! it just OMG!! agagaggaga~~~~
my brother put me as FIRST FEATURED FRIEND in friendster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so damn SHOCK!! agagagagga!!
k i know i getting siao tingtong...
ohya... my brother went to camp AGAIN at school...
for the SECOND TIME in 1 MONTH.. its like wth...
just wanna let go my RINDU to him and he go to camp again??!!
HAIZ k dont care.. eben if he far away from me but he still near my HEART!!
oh ya want to tell you something...
that day he scold me coz he thought that i use his HP..
and his HP song dunno la go where.. and bcoz of that i get scold by him...
as usual for me... cry baby.. that time i was eating....
haiz and i stop eating go to the toilet CRY!! then bath to cool down myself...
then i continue to eat my lunch haha...!! gembeng...
That time i felt like KILLING him...
i scold him in my heart la and blablabla..~ then the next day..
i was OK WITH HIM!! i dunno la.. i always like that....
and i took pic with him!! I HUGGED HIM!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!
gagagaga~~ ok its normal for sis and bro hug la kiss la.. but not for me.
im diff.. and NO ONE WILL KNOW.. except for me... and its all my fault at first..
gagaa.. no need to know more k.. KEPO!!
what we could have been, 5:15 AM.

my cozin and i.. my mom side

mas, jaja, ana

side view

ziana.. maslina

am i a sugar mummy here??

me and my bro

what we could have been, 5:25 AM.
my brother knows that his necklace lost already!! and he didnt scold me!!!.. haha thx kak zura and abg!!! lol... happienye!! and he said that no need to buy another 1 for him again!! wow!! i love him more than anything and less than my mother!! haha... mother first!!!
what we could have been, 12:47 AM.
my brother and his ehem2... love them
sedare2 yg nampak gamba ni
tlg jgn blg ibubapa anda!!
what we could have been, 1:32 AM.

almost all of the choir heeeeh!

just realize the either miss toh or mrs yeo put this blur2 pic at the choir multiply!
what we could have been, 1:16 AM.
oh noooooo~~~~~~~ i lost my brother army necklace that have his name on it!! im.
gonna dieeeeeeeeeeee!! haiyyyoooooo~~~~ i must make a new 1 for him from the
yellow shop arrg!! luckily hazirah stay near there!! if not! im really gonna dia sia!!!!!
what we could have been, 12:26 AM.
haha!! i ask everyone to help me.... to put song in blog.. the person i asked is... ummm..
KunQin, Kelly, abang Munir, Sue... haha... yeah!! all of them try to explain to me how to put..
but im so blur la.. i still dunno... and al last... i asked kunqin to do for me!! yeah!! ILY!! haha... i
tell her my email and password andkunqin i hope you wont tell anyone k!! haha okies bye...
what we could have been, 11:49 PM.
10th june... as what i told previously... my family, cuz and I plan to go to the beach...
overnight at there.. at 9+pm suddenly the weather change... the wind was like SO
DAMN STRONG.. gosh!! all the this flied away!! even the tent with heavy bags inside
can flied away!!! i tried to hold it.. but alamak.. im a girl la.. not strong enough tu vs
that heavy wind...luckily fadhli was fast man to help me.. if not the tent will be torn!!
thx fadhli!!! at that time we take all our things inside bags.. dont care la whose bag or
whose cloths was that... we just put anyhow.. haha... at that time i was so damn
scared.. i hugged my mom.. heeh... the wave was so damn strong!! i keep think about
hurricane haiz stupid me.. then theres heavy rain.... ish.. YA ALLAH!! although we're
in shelter but still wet.. DUH!! I was damn FREEZING COLD!! im shivering!!! and
cant breath man!! coz its so damn cold!!! haiiyooo~!! around 11+pm.. my uncle plan
to go home.. we call our lorry driver to fetch us.. heeeeh.. and at last all my cuzin
overnight at my house... hehe.. picnic at my house!! yeah!! AT LEAST! duh!.... that
what we could have been, 2:46 AM.
heeeeeeeh.. aiyoo.. chatting with my bro Galfrn can die man!!! she like to put long face
make me stress... but i think both of us quite same.. heeeeh.. she VERY stubborn, Im
stubborn, she VERY irritating, Im also irritating... hehe same right?? FAMILY MAH!!
but I love her!! NI WAE...
remember adik always
LOVE both of you!!
what we could have been, 6:15 AM.

what we could have been, 2:49 AM.
yeah!! just came back.. haha i go to mama shop la just now.. lol.. omg!! i saw 1 handsome guy!!.. i
LIKE the hair!! so stylomilo...with his cap ang BIG earpieace... gosh!! cool man!! how i wish i can
see him again in the future....
what we could have been, 1:43 AM.
my brother going to camp on sunday till friday.. imagine it 5 WEEKS!!... obviously i miss him like
hell right... i miss his kecohness heeeeeeeh... oh, he is the assistant platoon mentor commander.. ok
la ehk... see!! make me jealous again.. how i wish i can become 1... heeh... haish miss him man!!
what we could have been, 9:54 PM.
ok!! change date heeeh.. going to the beach on tuesday.. which is TOMOROW!! yesh ah!! love it
babe... cant wait.. maybe we reached there at 12 in the afternoon!! gosh!! seriously, i cant wait..
what we could have been, 9:53 PM.
Im going to overnight at east coast... 12-13 onli heeh.. cant wait man!! cnfrm all my cuz going to
talk about ghost story at night!! whoooooooop~ YAY!
what we could have been, 10:15 PM.
alamak... never update this blog... hahaks.. sorrie..
ohya, i just bought new HP!! yesh ah!! I want slide but my HP not that kind...
haha!! thats all ah.. dunno what to say next
what we could have been, 10:08 PM.