sorry.. haha long time never update my blog.. amcm my broken english?? ok?? haha!!
i dont know what to say la actually.. oh ya about my exam.. damn...!! overall i get 61% onli??
WTH!! but i still quite happi coz i get 85% for my maths!! WOOOO~~ haha... after taking all the
report book.. i go parkway mall with my mom and bro.. haha jalan2 je... wheeee~~~~
alamak i dunno what to write la dey!! k la till here bye!!! oh ya!! on friday.. 2e1,2e2,2a1 go to pasir
ris park... for dunno what la.. then we must collect litter.. so my group collect many litter..
denice and I collected 82 CIGGRATE!! wooohoooo~ and we won!! HAHA!! yes ah!! k till here BYE
what we could have been, 9:46 PM.
ALAMAK!! today was my MOST PAISEY day for all... WTH? i must sing infront of whole sec 2s malay student.. and i have no voice coz so scared!! ish.. the song that i sang was peterpan- tak bisakah... ish!!! memalukan!! haiz..... and IF YOU THINK ITS FUNNY, I'VE GOT NOTHING TO SAY!! seriously... haiyoyoyo!!! ohya.. as pernormal.. go library with fatin and horeah.. i thake more than 30 min to find the book that i like.. haizzz.... and going home with horeah!!! by MRT dok~
ok la till here buhbye....
what we could have been, 2:48 AM.
SRY!! this is for yesterday story HAHA!! oh ya i was so damn HAPPIE!! coz kunqin found most of the PMs frenster.. whoooooo~~~~~~~~~ haha but pm oliver dont have!! wth! hoho!!
and as for today.. HAPPIE BIRTHDAY TO FATIN!!=D haha panjang umur murah reski ye... tetap kan iman!! amin!! and jgn pakai slapping force awk... nanti kte pengsan.. sakit dia mak I!! haha!!
ok bye!!
what we could have been, 5:54 AM.
go to beach today!! haha at changi.. yeah! as per normal many ppl there!!!! okok laxlax... and theres a lot of weird boy all over... siao gangster i think!! haha!! oh ya!! my cozin and i play DOG AND BONE!! fun man playing with them!! and my group WIN!! see MY GROUP!! haha watch out you know!!! hahaa!! oh ya.. after playing all the games.... we celebrate mother's day.. ya i noe its a lot late.. but nehmind... coz our mother are still ALIVE!! haha.. alhamdullilah... oh ya.. the cake was so damn delicious coz it is CHOCOLATE CAKE!! wheeeeee~~ thats all for today!! my brother need to use the comp la bye!!
what we could have been, 6:15 AM.
I only remember some PMs and Enciks...
PM Zie PM Oliver PM Azree PM Vanessa PM Ally PM Tong PM Vivien PM Daryl PM Sham PM Yu wen Encik John Encik YK!! Encik Cheryl Encik Gopal Captain Ridtz..THEY ARE MEANT TO BE LOVED!! seriously!! and please
DONT take ENCIK YK from ME!!!!!!
what we could have been, 12:48 AM.
GOSH!! I'm still MISSING ALL THE PMs and ENCIKs!!!! :[ feel like crying! ARGGG!! oh ya.. want to tell more about my group members... 7 and 8... I remember onli some la..hoho SORRIE..GROUP 7 they are me, Ziana, Nora, Amalini, Syak, Khairiya, Candy, Abdillah(irritating), Zarfan, Redzwan(think so), Joel, vanessa, kun qin, queenie,Alvin
and 1 express boy.. haha
yes ah!!! all taken care by PM Zie.. and im glad coz i help her.. when she has no voice... oh iya... during all the activity.. aiyoo!! Abdillah keep disturbing me and Nora.. both of TIRED OF HIM!
he act like one crazy monkey lost from jungle!!! When we are eating dinner.. nora sit beside me and he sit behind nora... OH GOSH!! he keep punching me!! so i punch him back.. and none stop!! and he disturb Nora till she scared of him!!! he make 1 sexy clap for Nora.. HAHA!! PERVERT!!! // During the performance... our grp 7&8 perform cheer!! many cheer!! haha 1 of them is the rythm of underwear by PM Oliver ** i no money i dont care, i buy heroes underwear, superman, batman, spiderman oso can!** thats what PM Oliver teach us.!! FUN SIA!! never forget it!! while performing we do bts cheer change to 7 8 cheer.. and ZARFAN MAKE A MISTAKE!! WTH!! haiiyoooo!!! but nehmind!! ok... till here buhbye....
what we could have been, 12:28 AM.















what we could have been, 6:06 AM.
the last day of camping...
when i reach school.. all of us HUG our PM!! i hug PM Zie and shake hand PM Oliver!! woohoo~!
B4 that.. the camp had give us a scarf.. I take all the PMs autograph HAHA and some of them give notes.... happie!!!! that time i feel like crying coz we had gone trou all the fun and hard time together!! gosh!! at night i keep thinking about them and started missing them!!! coz i know that
I LOVE THEM FOR LIFE!!! and gonna MISS THEM FOR LIFE TOO!! LIVE! OPERATION ROCKS!!!!!!! never forget about them man!!!
what we could have been, 5:54 AM.
Niwae.... there's not many activity.... but the most fun is during the SLIPPERY SLOPE!! fun sia!! the mud is almost all over me!! i was trying to get up and take the rope.. and i fall AND zarfan fall over me!! WTH!! i try again... in the middle of the slope i feel like falling off... and i tried to look down.. but PM Zie ask me not to look down.. AND yes ah!! i did it!! woohoo!!and the slippery slope is full of detergent and water haha!!! even thought im not from NCC but i like the marching so much.. how i wish i become the timer.. woohoo~~!! PM Zie and PM Oliver teach us... it was so damn fun!!!! but we didnt realize that Encik John was behind us.. watching... and he get angry coz some ppl at the back still cant get it after 3 hour!! WTH! and bcoz of that we kena punish... oh ya... he ask us to do push.. and we forgot to day *clapclap* 78!! and bcoz of that.. our dearest PM get the "consequences" haiz.... and after that our turn!! OMG! our hand is hurting... bcoz we do stones... SMALL STONES EVERYWHERE!! feel like crying!! arg! HATE HIM!!
what we could have been, 5:15 AM.

today i've chatted with many people.... Afiqah, Sakinah, Huda, Aisha kecik!!! and all of us talk about LIVE! OPERATION CAMP!! woohooo~~~~~ i fight with Aisha about PM Tong and Encik YK hohoho... at last both of us win.. i take Encik YK and she take PM Tong.. there's no failure, only learning expiriences!! HOHO!! i talk about PM Azree and Encik YK with Afiqah... she say that PM Azree handsome + hot.. YUP! I AGREE!! hoho!! she say that sakinah too thought that PM Azree hot... same as me too la.... i think if you all see him.. cnfrm in love sia..!! hahaha...... huda, like PM tong!! hoho!! yup2 i agree that PM Tong cute.. and he always smile... it make us feel cool beside him.. HOHO!! thats all.. so i chop first ENCIK YK AND PM OLIVER IS MINE!! HOHO... and PM Zie... i ALWAYS LOVE HER!! i will never forget her!!! PROMISE! she so sweet!!
what we could have been, 5:05 AM.
COOL AH!! the camp was so damn FUN!! eventhough it was so damn tiring.. my pm is PM Zie and PM Oliver. both of them ROCKS man!! woohoo!! I LOVE THEM!! among all then enciks, Encik John, Encik Sheryl, Encik YK.. Encik YK is the most GEREK!! He rocks too man!! he's not so stirct like other enciks.. so I LOVE HIM TOO!! hoho!! I think ALL then PMs PRETTY AND HANDSOME! woooow!!haha serious!! im not lying!! at night i sleep with horeah!! oh dear! she sleep aiyooo~~ she hit me!! kick me!! walao!! i cant sleep in peace!!!!! WTH!! hahaha!! my favourite activity is the slippery slope and learning the marching.. gerek dok!! gosh!!
what we could have been, 9:59 PM.

our hand!!!! i dnno what shape is this!!

wheeee~~~~~ found a new closefren!!!! Yayah and Tintin.. but my old bestfren still in my memory.. coz we are still BESTFREN!! ahahah... and some has accuse them by saying..."have a new fren and forgot the old fren" WHAT THE HELL!! gosh i hate that!!! i terase sia!! cant take it!! feel like crying!!! and Tintin were there to make me cheer up! thx!!... actually i NEVER forget my old fren.. whether they are close to me or not!! haiz... headache la!!
what we could have been, 3:26 AM.